This commit is contained in:
@ -1,81 +1,136 @@
use rand::Rng;
use console::Term;
//use termsize::get;
use rand::Rng; // Allows you to generate random numbers
use console::Term; // Allows reading key bind input
use std::io::{stdin,stdout,Write};
fn output_levels(starting_level: u64, ending_level: u64, character_x_coord: u16, character_icon: char, levels: &Vec<Vec<u8>>) {
print!("{}[2J", 27 as char);
for i in starting_level..ending_level {
for j in 0..levels[i as usize].len() {
let object = levels[i as usize][j as usize];
if i == starting_level && j == character_x_coord as usize { print!("{}",character_icon) }
else if object >= 4 { print!(" ") }
else if object == 3 { print!("¯") }
else if object == 2 { print!("\\") }
else if object == 1 { print!("/") }
else { print!("|") }
println!(" {}",i);
// This function is used to Generate the output out a range of levels to the console, it accepts starting and
// ending levls to print and then it uses a loop to print out each level in between these, each
// level is comprised of numbers, each having a specific meaning for instance 0 is an obstacle and
// -2 is a slanted wall "/"
fn generate_output(starting_level: u64, ending_level: u64, character_x_coord: u16, character_icon: char, levels: &Vec<Vec<i8>>, debug_mode: bool) -> String {
let mut output: String = "".to_string();
if debug_mode {
let pattern = "0123456789";
let repeat_count = (levels[0].len() + 9) / 10;
let mut repeated = pattern.repeat(repeat_count);
repeated += "\n";
output += &repeated;
for i in starting_level..ending_level {
let level = &levels[i as usize]; // Cache the level for quicker access
for j in 0..level.len() {
let object = level[j as usize];
// Directly check the player's position for rendering the icon
if i == starting_level && j == character_x_coord as usize {
output = output + &character_icon.to_string();
} else {
match object {
-3 => output+="|", // Specific case for -3
0 => output+="¯", // Specific case for 0
-1 => output+="\\", // Specific case for -1
-2 => output+="/", // Specific case for -2
_ => output+=" " // Default, no print for other cases
output+=" "; // At the end of each level, print that level
return output;
fn generate_level(level_to_generate: u64, difficulty: u8, left_wall: &mut i8, right_wall: &mut i8, screen_width: u16, levels: &mut Vec<Vec<u8>>) {
let mut new_level: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let left_wall_change = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-1..2);
let right_wall_change = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-1..2);
//println!("lwc: {}, rwc: {}", left_wall_change, right_wall_change);
fn generate_level(level_to_generate: u64, difficulty: i8, left_wall: &mut i16, right_wall: &mut i16, screen_width: u16, preference: &mut f32, levels: &mut Vec<Vec<i8>>) {
let mut new_level: Vec<i8> = Vec::new();
let left_wall_change = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-1..2+(*preference as i16));
let right_wall_change = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-1..2+(*preference as i16));
*left_wall = *left_wall + left_wall_change;
*right_wall = *right_wall + right_wall_change;
if *left_wall <= 0 {
*left_wall = 1;
if *right_wall >= screen_width.try_into().unwrap() {
*right_wall = screen_width as i8-1
*right_wall = screen_width as i16-1
//println!("lw: {}, rw: {}", left_wall, right_wall);
if (*right_wall-*left_wall).abs() < 8 {
//let mut left_wall_temp = left_wall as i8 + left_wall_change;
//if left_wall_temp >= 0 { left_wall = left_wall_temp as u8 }
//right_wall = (right_wall as i8 + right_wall_change) as u8;
for i in 0..screen_width {
while new_level.len() <= screen_width as usize {
for i in *left_wall+1..*right_wall-1 {
let rng = rand::thread_rng();
let object: u8 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(3..difficulty);
let object: i8 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..difficulty);
new_level[i as usize] = object;
for i in 0..*left_wall {
if i == *left_wall-1 && left_wall_change > 0 {
new_level[i as usize] = 2;
new_level[i as usize] = -1;
else if i == *left_wall-1 && left_wall_change < 0 {
new_level[i as usize] = 1;
new_level[i as usize] = -2;
else {
new_level[i as usize] = 0;
new_level[i as usize] = -3;
for i in *right_wall..screen_width as i8 {
for i in *right_wall..screen_width as i16 {
if i == *right_wall && right_wall_change > 0 {
new_level[i as usize] = 2;
new_level[i as usize] = -1;
else if i == *right_wall && right_wall_change < 0 {
new_level[i as usize] = 1;
new_level[i as usize] = -2;
else {
new_level[i as usize] = 0;
new_level[i as usize] = -3;
while levels.len() <= level_to_generate as usize {
levels[level_to_generate as usize] = new_level;
// Modification of the directional preference logic
*preference = *preference + rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-0.5..0.5);
if *preference > 3.0 {
*preference = -1.0;
else if *preference < -3.0 {
*preference = 1.0;
if *right_wall >= screen_width as i16 - 5 {
*preference = -1.0;
else if *left_wall <= 5 {
*preference = 1.0;
fn check_if_alive(levels: &Vec<Vec<u8>>, level: usize, x_coord: usize) -> bool {
if levels[level][x_coord] == 0 || levels[level][x_coord] == 1 || levels[level][x_coord] == 2 || levels[level][x_coord] == 3 {
fn debug_mode_modify_variables(current_level: &mut u64) -> u8 {
println!("\n----------------VARIABLE MODIFICATION---------------\n");
println!("Variables that can be modified:\ncurrent_level");
println!("\nWhat variable do you want to modify? ('N' to return to game without modification)");
let variable_to_modify = input();
if variable_to_modify == "N" {
return 0;
else {
println!("New value for {}",variable_to_modify);
let new_value = input();
if variable_to_modify == "current_level" {
*current_level = new_value.parse().unwrap();
return 1;
fn check_if_alive(levels: &Vec<Vec<i8>>, level: usize, x_coord: usize) -> bool {
if levels[level][x_coord] <= 0 {
println!("GAME OVER");
return false;
@ -84,40 +139,98 @@ fn check_if_alive(levels: &Vec<Vec<u8>>, level: usize, x_coord: usize) -> bool {
pub fn main() {
let mut levels: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::new();
fn input() -> String{
let mut s=String::new();
let _=stdout().flush();
stdin().read_line(&mut s).expect("Did not enter a correct string");
if let Some('\n')=s.chars().next_back() {
if let Some('\r')=s.chars().next_back() {
return s;
let (screen_width, screen_height) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap();
fn main() {
let debug_mode = true; // Enable or disable debugging mode, it will print some useful stats and
// let you modify stats midgame with e
let can_die = false; // I can't spell invinsiblitlity but this lets you not die...
println!("width: {}, height: {}",screen_width, screen_height);
//let screen_height: u8 = 70;
//let screen_width: u8 = 100;
let difficulty: u8 = 15;
let mut levels: Vec<Vec<i8>> = Vec::new(); // Define variables for level
let (mut screen_width, mut screen_height) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap();
screen_width = screen_width - 20;
if debug_mode { // Reduce screen height more if debug mode is on as we need space to print
// additional information
screen_height = screen_height - 17;
else {
screen_height = screen_height - 1;
let stdout = Term::buffered_stdout();
let mut current_level: u64 = 0;
let character_icon: char = 'µ';
let mut character_icon: char = 'µ';
let mut x_coord: u16 = (screen_width as f32/ 2.0) as u16; // Distance from left wall
let mut left_wall: i8 = (screen_width as f32/ 4.0) as i8;
let mut right_wall: i8 = ((screen_width as f32 * 3.0)/ 4.0) as i8;
let mut left_wall: i16 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..((screen_width as f32/ 2.0)-5.0) as i16) as i16;
let mut right_wall: i16 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(((screen_width as f32 /2.0)+5.0) as i16..screen_width as i16) as i16;
let mut preference: f32 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-2.0..3.0);
let mut alive: bool = true;
let mut difficulty: i8 = 6;
for i in 1..screen_height {
generate_level(i as u64, difficulty, &mut left_wall, &mut right_wall, screen_width, &mut levels)
for i in 0..screen_height {
generate_level(i as u64, difficulty, &mut left_wall, &mut right_wall, screen_width, &mut preference, &mut levels)
'game_loop: loop {
generate_level(current_level, difficulty, &mut left_wall, &mut right_wall, screen_width, &mut levels);
output_levels(current_level, current_level + screen_height as u64, x_coord, character_icon, &levels);
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
generate_level(current_level + screen_height as u64, difficulty, &mut left_wall, &mut right_wall, screen_width, &mut preference, &mut levels);
let end_gen = std::time::Instant::now();
let output = generate_output(current_level, current_level + screen_height as u64, x_coord, character_icon, &levels, debug_mode);
let end_gen_output = std::time::Instant::now();
if ! debug_mode { // We don't want to clear screen if debug mode is on as it lets us see
// old stats and see console warnings from rust and stuff
print!("{}[2J", 27 as char);
let end_output = std::time::Instant::now();
if debug_mode { // Print out debug info
println!("Time to Generate Level: {:?}\nTime to Generate Output: {:?}\nTime to Output levels: {:?}\nCurrent Level: {}\nCharacter's X coordinate: {}\nLeft Wall Position: {}\nRight Wall Position: {}\nDirectional Preference: {}\nAlive: {}\nDifficulty: {}\nCharcter Icon: {}\nItem Currently Ontop of: {}\nScreen Width: {}\nScreen Height: {}",
levels[current_level as usize][x_coord as usize],
if let Ok(character) = stdout.read_char() {
match character {
'd' => if x_coord < screen_width-1 { x_coord += 1 },
'a' => if x_coord > 1 { x_coord -= 1 },
'e' => if debug_mode { debug_mode_modify_variables(&mut current_level); continue 'game_loop },
'q' => break 'game_loop,
_ => continue 'game_loop,
_ => (),
alive = check_if_alive(&levels, current_level as usize, x_coord as usize);
if can_die {
alive = check_if_alive(&levels, current_level as usize, x_coord as usize);
if alive == false {
break 'game_loop
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