htdocs/theunderland/wiki/pages/Gregor the Overlander.html
2024-05-26 16:32:18 +01:00

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<h1>Gregor the Overlander</h1><br/>
<p><a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> follows his sister (<a href="Boots.html">Boots</a>) down the grate in the laundry room of his apartment building and falls miles down to a place called <a href="The Underland.html">The Underland</a> where he bumps into giant cockroaches called <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s who take them to the underground human city of <a href="Regalia.html">Regalia</a>, where he meats Queen <a href="Luxa.html">Luxa</a> and <a href="Vikus.html">Vikus</a>. He tries to escape whilst being held prisoner in <a href="Regalia.html">Regalia</a> when he meets two ginormous rats called <a href="Gnawers.html">Gnawers</a> who try to eat him, thankfully, <a href="Mareth.html">Mareth</a>, <a href="Perdita.html">Perdita</a>, <a href="Henry.html">Henry</a> and <a href="Luxa.html">Luxa</a> save his life and bring him back to <a href="Regalia.html">Regalia</a> where he learns that he is a Warrior metioned in a prophecy that goes as follows:<br/>
Beware, <a href="Underlander.html">Underlander</a>s, time hangs by a thread.<br/>
The hunters are hunted, white water runs red.<br/>
The <a href="Gnawer.html">Gnawer</a>s will strike to extinguish the rest.<br/>
The hope of the hopeless resides in a quest.<br/>
An Overland warrior, a son of the sun,<br/>
May bring us back light, he may bring us back none.<br/>
But gather your neighbors and follow his call<br/>
Or rats will most surely devour us all.<br/>
Two over, two under, of royal descent,<br/>
Two <a href="Flyer.html">Flyer</a>s, two <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s, two <a href="Spinner.html">Spinner</a>s assent.<br/>
One <a href="Gnawer.html">Gnawer</a> beside and one lost up ahead.<br/>
And eight will be left when we count up the dead.<br/>
The last who will die must decide where he stands.<br/>
The fate of the eight is contained in his hands.<br/>
So bid him take care, bid him look where he leaps,<br/>
As life may be death and death life again reaps.<br/>
Eventually, <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> is convinced to help with this quest and as soon as the rats start attacking they are on their way to the <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s, to get two <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s to join their quest. After they have two <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s they go to the <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s land to get two <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s, but oddly the <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s start worshipping <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a>'s sister, <a href="Boots.html">Boots</a> and agree to join the quest. They then go to the <a href="Spinner.html">Spinner</a>'s land, unfortunatly, the <a href="Spinner.html">Spinner</a>s deny to join the quest and inmprison the adventurers who swiftly manage to escape. After they escape the <a href="Spinner.html">Spinner</a>'s lair, <a href="Vikus.html">Vikus</a> reveals to the group that him, <a href="Mareth.html">Mareth</a>, <a href="Solovet.html">Solovet</a> and their <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s must leave as the Prophecy only lists two <a href="Underlander.html">Underlander</a>s, two <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s, two <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s, two <a href="Spinner.html">Spinner</a>s, two <a href="Overlander.html">Overlander</a>s and one lost up ahead, they also leave them with a new guide called <a href="Ripred.html">Ripred</a> a rat who is on the adventures side, it is also revealed that <a href="Vikus.html">Vikus</a> is <a href="Luxa.html">Luxa</a>'s grandfather. The adventurers head into <a href="Gnawer.html">Gnawer</a> territory to find <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a>'s father and <a href="Henry.html">Henry</a> reveals that he is a traitor and a small army of rats attack them, <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> realises that the last stanza means that <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> must jump off the edge of a cliff, <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> jumps off the edge with all the rats following him, they all fall and surprisingly <a href="Ares.html">Ares</a> saves him rather than saving <a href="Henry.html">Henry</a>, his bond (bond means they will always save each others lives)</p><br/><hr/>
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<h2>Thanks to:</h2>
<a href="">The Underland Chronicles Fandom<a/> For a good resource while researching, licensed under CC-BY-SA<br/>
<a href="">Wikipedia</a> For a good resource while researching, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0<br/>