2024-05-26 16:32:18 +01:00

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<p>Crawlers, who live in <a href="The Underland.html">The Underland</a> are giant cockroaches, they are neutral and as <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> explains: "Just wants everyone to leave them alone" but have especially good relations with the <a href="Hisser.html">Hisser</a>s and Singers as they can understand one another. They reside on flat land and have a large population as to protect the whole area, as one Crawler on their own are very weak, Crawlers have wings but rarely use them and worship <a href="Boots.html">Boots</a> (Gregor's sister) as their princess.
Notable Crawlers include:<br/>
<a href="Temp.html">Temp</a><br/>
-<a href="Boots.html">Boots</a>' protector throughout the series<br/>
<a href="Tick.html">Tick</a><br/>
-<a href="Boots.html">Boots</a>' protector in the first book, died to save Boots<br/>
Humans and <a href="Flier.html">Flier</a>s commonly mock the <a href="Crawler.html">Crawler</a>s for their stupidity and cowardice throughout the books, <a href="Gregor.html">Gregor</a> sticks up for them as he is not as accustommed to their ways. They often speak in a odd way where the last part of the speach is repeated at the start eg: "Follow us, you will Follow us"</p><br/><hr/>
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<h2>Thanks to:</h2>
<a href="">The Underland Chronicles Fandom<a/> For a good resource while researching, licensed under CC-BY-SA<br/>
<a href="">Wikipedia</a> For a good resource while researching, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0<br/>