Gregor's younger sister, affectionately called "Boots" due to her love of wearing boots. Boots is a cheerful and adventurous toddler who accompanies Gregor on his journey into the Underland. Despite her young age, Boots often proves to be a valuable member of the group, as her small size and innocent demeanor can sometimes diffuse tense situations. Throughout the series, Gregor becomes increasingly protective of his sister and is motivated by a desire to keep her safe.
Boots | Information |
Name | Margret(Boots) |
Age | 3 |
Gender | Female |
Species | Human (Overlander) |
Status | Alive |
Bond | N/A |
Nicknames |
Boots The Princess(Crawlers) Overlander |
Relatives |
Grace(Mother) Lee(Father) Gregor(Older Brother) Lizzie(Older Sister) Unamed grandmother Margaret(Great Grandmother) Lucy (First Cousin Two times Removed) Unnamed Uncle Rodney (Cousin) |