let travelLocation = "Sand Mine"; let travelLocType = ["mine"]; let coins = 10; let numOfDragonBloodTrees = 10; let exPoints = 100; let Num; let hp = 100; let fireStarterLives; let haveShield; const SCROLL_OF_GEMEROTH = { type: "QUEST" } const MAYOR_JACKSON_OF_OL_GRETH = { type: "NPC", name: "Mayor Jackson of Ol'Greth", age: 57, startingLocation: "Ol Greth", quests: SCROLL_OF_GEMEROTH, questsNumber: 1, likesYou: 15 } let arrayOfNPCs = [MAYOR_JACKSON_OF_OL_GRETH] const anglerfish = { item: "anglerfish", itemName: "Angler Fish", number: 50, type: "fish", equipable: false } const bait = { item: "bait", itemName: "Bait", number: 5, type: "bait", equipable: false } const beechLog = { item: "beechLog", itemName: "Beech Log", number: 20, type: "log", equipable: false } const blowtorch = { item: "blowtorch", itemName: "Blowtorch", number: 5, type: "fireStarter", equipable: true } const boubaClub = { item: "boubaClub", itemName: "Bouba CLub", number: 40, type: "axe", equipable: true } const brightSword = { item: "brightSword", itemName: "Bright Sword", number: 30, type: "sword", equipable: true } const bronze = { item: "bronze", itemName: "Bronze", number: 19, type: "ore", equipable: false } const bronzeAxe = { item: "bronzeAxe", itemName: "Bronze Axe", number: 10, type: "axe", equipable: true } const bronzePickaxe = { item: "bronzePickaxe", itemName: "Bronze Pickaxe", number: 10, type: "pickaxe", equipable: true } const charcoal = { item: "charcoal", itemName: "Charcoal", number: 10, type: "fuel", equipable: false } const clownfish = { item: "clownfish", itemName: "Clown Fish", number: 15, type: "fish", equipable: false } const coal = { item: "coal", itemName: "Coal", number: 10, type: "fuel", equipable: false } const cod = { item: "cod", itemName: "Cod", number: 5, type: "fish", equipable: false } const cookedAnglerfish = { item: "cookedAnglerFish", itemName: "Cooked Anglerfish", number: 50, type: "food", equipable: false } const cookedCod = { item: "cookedCod", itemName: "Cooked Cod", number: 5, type: "food", equipable: false } const cookedPiranah = { item: "cookedPiranah", itemName: "Cooked Piranah", number: 25, type: "food", equipable: false } const cookedSalmon = { item: "cookedSalmon", itemName: "Cooked Salmon", number: 10, type: "food", equipable: false } const copper = { item: "copper", itemName: "Copper", number: 5, type: "ore", equipable: false } const diamond = { item: "diamond", itemName: "Diamond", number: 35, type: "ore", equipable: false } const dragonBloodLog = { item: "dragonBloodLog", itemName: "Dragon Blood Log", number: 100, type: "log", equipable: false } const fishingRod = { item: "fishingRod", itemName: "Fishing Rod", number: 5, type: "fishingRod", equipable: true } const gasContainer = { item: "gasContainer", itemName: "Gas Container", number: 5, type: "fuel", equipable: false } const gold = { item: "gold", itemName: "Gold", number: 2, type: "ore", equipable: false } const goldCoin = { item: "goldCoin", itemName: "Gold Coin", number: 1, type: "coin", equipable: false } const graveSpade = { item: "graveSpade", itemName: "Grave Spade", number: 6, type: "spade", equipable: true } const iceShard = { item: "iceShard", itemName: "Ice Shard", number: 55, type: "sword", equipable: true } const iron = { item: "iron", itemName: "Iron", number: 24, type: "ore", equipable: false } const ironAxe = { item: "ironAxe", itemName: "Iron Axe", number: 15, type: "axe", equipable: true } const ironBar = { item: "ironBar", itemName: "Iron Bar", number: 24, type: "bar", equipable: false } const ironPickaxe = { item: "ironPickaxe", itemName: "Iron Pickaxe", number: 15, type: "pickaxe", equipable: true } const ivyLog = { item: "ivyLog", itemName: "Ivy Log", number: 30, type: "log", equipable: false } const kikiSpike = { item: "kikiSpike", itemName: "Kiki Spike", number: 40, type: "pickaxe", equipable: true } const lavaGlove = { item: "lavaGlove", itemName: "Lava Glove", number: 1, type: "glove", equipable: false } const lonelyRope = { item: "lonelyRope", itemName: "Lonely Rope", number: 8, type: "fishingRod", equipable: true } const neonFang = { item: "neonFang", itemName: "Neon Fang", number: 35, type: "sword", equipable: true } const oakLog = { item: "oakLog", itemName: "Oak Log", number: 5, type: "log", equipable: false } const orcFlesh = { item: "orcFlesh", itemName: "Orc Flesh", number: 5, type: "drop", equipable: false } const palmLog = { item: "palmLog", itemName: "Palm Log", number: 40, type: "log", equipable: false } const piranah = { item: "piranah", itemName: "Piranah", number: 25, type: "fish", equipable: false } const redwoodLog = { item: "redwoodLog", itemName: "Redwood Log", number: 50, type: "log", equipable: false } const rock = { item: "rock", itemName: "Rock", number: 5, type: "ore", equipable: false } const salmon = { item: "salmon", itemName: "Salmon", number: 10, type: "fish", equipable: false } const shield = { item: "shield", itemName: "Shield", number: 5, type: "shield", equipable: true } const stonePickaxe = { item: "stonePickaxe", itemName: "Stone Pickaxe", number: 5, type: "pickaxe", equipable: true }; const stoneAxe = { item: "stoneAxe", itemName: "Stone Axe", number: 5, type: "axe", equipable: true }; const stoneSword = { item: "stoneSword", itemName: "Stone Sword", number: 10, type: "sword", equipable: true } const stoneSythe = { item: "stoneSythe", itemName: "Stone Sythe", number: 10, type: "sythe", equipable: true } const tin = { item: "tin", itemName: "Tin", number: 15, type: "ore", equipable: false } /*const undefined = { item: "undefined", itemName: "undefinec", number: 10000, type: "undefined", equipable: true }*/ const venomDuct = { item: "venomDuct", itemName: "Venom Duct", number: 10, type: "drop", equipable: false } const willowLog = { item: "willowLog", itemName: "Willow Log", number: 10, type: "log", equipable: false } const yewLog = { item: "yewLog", itemName: "Yew Log", number: 75, type: "log", equipable: false } let bankContent = [rock]; let brightsideKills = 0; let boulevardKills = 0; let neonTigerKills = 0; let kikiKills = 0; let boubaKills = 0; let cemetaryGatesKills = 0; let pompeiiKills = 0; let frostbiteKills = 0; let miningEXP = 0; let wcEXP = 0; let cardioEXP = 0; let fightingEXP = 0; let fishingEXP = 0; let cookingEXP = 0; let smeltEXP = 0; let smithEXP = 0; let farmEXP = 0; let healthEXP = 0; let defenceEXP = 0; let equiped = 0; let equipedName; let equipedType; const GRAVESPADE = 6; const STONEPICKAXE = 5; const BRONZEPICKAXE = 10; const IRONPICKAXE = 15; const KIKISPIKE = 40; const STONEAXE = 5; const BRONZEAXE = 10; const IRONAXE = 15; const BOUBACLUB = 40; const STONESWORD = 10; const BRONZESWORD = 15; const IRONSWORD = 20; const BRIGHTSWORD = 30; const NEONFANG = 35; const ICESHARD = 55; const SYTHE = 5; const STONESYTHE = 10; const FISHINGROD = 5; const LONELYROPE = 8; const COD = 5; const SALMON = 10; const CLOWNFISH = 15; const PIRANAH = 25; const ANGLERFISH = 50; const ROCK = 5; const COAL = 10; const TIN = 15; const COPPER = 16; const GOLD = 2; const BRONZE = 19; const IRON = 24; const DIAMOND = 35; const OAKLOG = 5; const WILLOWLOG = 10; const BEECHLOG = 20; const IVYLOG = 30; const PALMLOG = 40; const REDWOODLOG = 50; const YEWLOG = 75; const DRAGONBLOODLOG = 100; const LIGHTHOUSE = 5; const RAVINE = 15; const VOLCANO = 55; const ORC = 5; const BRAWLER = 6; const MUGGER = 4; const SPIDER = 10; const GIANTSPIDER = 20; const GHOSTS = 25; const GRAVEROBBER = 22; const MINORFIRESPIRIT = 30; const MAJORFIRESPIRIT = 40; const SHIELD = 5; const BRIGHTSIDE = 20; const BRIGHTSIDEHEALTH = 30; const BOULEVARD = 35; const BOULEVARDHEALTH = 50; const NEONTIGER = 40; const NEONTIGERHEALTH = 55; const KIKI = 45; const KIKIHEALTH = 63; const BOUBA = 45; const BOUBAHEALTH = 63; const CEMETARYGATES = 55; const CEMETARYGATESHEALTH = 70; const POMPEII = 70; const POMPEIIHEALTH = 100; const FROSTBITE = 70; const FROSTBITEHEALTH = 100; const BLOWTORCH = 5; let inv2 = [stonePickaxe, stoneAxe]; load(); showInvInTable(); //functions V function log(text) { let our_div = document.querySelectorAll(".output-here")[0]; our_div.innerHTML = our_div.innerHTML + text + "
"; eraseLogBook() } function xpToLevel(exp) { let level = Math.trunc(Math.pow(exp, 1/4)); if (level > 99) { return 99; } if (level <= 99) { return level; } } function xpToNextLevel(exp) { //debugger; let level = Math.trunc(Math.pow(exp, 1/4)); let nextLevel = level + 1; let expNextLevel = Math.round(nextLevel*nextLevel*nextLevel*nextLevel) let pointsRequired = expNextLevel - exp; document.write("required exp: " + pointsRequired) } function save() { localStorage.setItem("travelLocation_ls", travelLocation); localStorage.setItem("travelLocType_ls", JSON.stringify(travelLocType)); localStorage.setItem("inv2_ls", JSON.stringify(inv2)); localStorage.setItem("bankContent_ls", JSON.stringify(bankContent)); localStorage.setItem("equiped_ls", equiped); localStorage.setItem("equipedName_ls", equipedName); localStorage.setItem("equipedType_ls", equipedType); localStorage.setItem("coins_ls", coins); localStorage.setItem("numOfDragonBloodTrees_ls", numOfDragonBloodTrees); localStorage.setItem("exPoints_ls", exPoints); localStorage.setItem("hp_ls", hp); localStorage.setItem("fireStarterLives_ls", fireStarterLives); localStorage.setItem("miningEXP_ls", miningEXP); localStorage.setItem("wcEXP_ls", wcEXP); localStorage.setItem("cardioEXP_ls", cardioEXP); localStorage.setItem("fightingEXP_ls", fightingEXP); localStorage.setItem("fishingEXP_ls", fishingEXP); localStorage.setItem("cookingEXP_ls", cookingEXP); localStorage.setItem("smeltEXP_ls", smeltEXP); localStorage.setItem("smithEXP_ls", smithEXP); localStorage.setItem("farmEXP_ls", farmEXP); localStorage.setItem("healthEXP_ls", healthEXP); localStorage.setItem("defenceEXP_ls", defenceEXP); localStorage.setItem("brightsideKills_ls", brightsideKills); localStorage.setItem("boulevardKills_ls", boulevardKills); localStorage.setItem("neonTigerKills_ls", neonTigerKills); localStorage.setItem("kikiKills_ls", kikiKills); localStorage.setItem("boubaKills_ls", boubaKills); localStorage.setItem("cemetaryGatesKills_ls", cemetaryGatesKills); localStorage.setItem("pompeiiKills_ls", pompeiiKills); localStorage.setItem("frostbiteKills_ls", frostbiteKills); } function load() { travelLocation = load_string_from_local_storage("travelLocation_ls", "Sand Mine"); //travelLocType = load_string_from_local_storage("travelLocType_ls", "mine"); equiped = load_int_from_local_storage("equiped_ls", 0); equipedName = load_string_from_local_storage("equipedName_ls", ""); equipedType = load_string_from_local_storage("equipedType_ls", ""); coins = load_int_from_local_storage("coins_ls", 10); numOfDragonBloodTrees = load_int_from_local_storage("numOfDragonBloodTrees_ls", 10); exPoints = load_int_from_local_storage("exPoints_ls", 100); hp = load_int_from_local_storage("hp_ls", 10); fireStarterLives = load_int_from_local_storage("fireStarterLives_ls", 0); let inv2_save = localStorage.getItem("inv2_ls"); if (inv2_save !== null) { inv2 = JSON.parse(inv2_save); } let bankContent_save = localStorage.getItem("bankContent_ls"); if (bankContent_save !== null) { bankContent = JSON.parse(bankContent_save); } let travelLocType_save = localStorage.getItem("travelLocType_ls"); if (travelLocType_save !== null) { travelLocType = JSON.parse(travelLocType_save); } miningEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("miningEXP_ls", 0); wcEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("wcEXP_ls", 0); cardioEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("cardioEXP_ls", 0); fightingEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("fightingEXP_ls", 0); fishingEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("fishingEXP_ls", 0); cookingEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("cookingEXP_ls", 0); smeltEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("smeltEXP_ls", 0); smithEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("smithEXP_ls", 0); farmEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("farmEXP_ls", 0); healthEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("healthEXP_ls", 10000); defenceEXP = load_int_from_local_storage("defenceEXP_ls", 0); brightsideKills = load_int_from_local_storage("brightsideKills_ls", 0); boulevardKills = load_int_from_local_storage("boulevardKills_ls", 0); neonTigerKills = load_int_from_local_storage("neonTigerKills_ls", 0); kikiKills = load_int_from_local_storage("kikiKills_ls", 0); boubaKills = load_int_from_local_storage("boubaKills_ls", 0); cemetaryGatesKills = load_int_from_local_storage("cemetaryGatesKills_ls", 0); pompeiiKills = load_int_from_local_storage("pompeiiKills_ls", 0); frostbiteKills = load_int_from_local_storage("frostbiteKills_ls", 0); } function load_int_from_local_storage(storage_name, default_value_if_unset) { let loaded_value = localStorage.getItem(storage_name); if (loaded_value !== null) { return parseInt(loaded_value); } return default_value_if_unset; } function load_string_from_local_storage(storage_name, default_value_if_unset) { let loaded_value = localStorage.getItem(storage_name); if (loaded_value !== null) { return loaded_value; } return default_value_if_unset; } //function ^ /*let inv = [" stone pickaxe"]; localStorage.setItem("inv_what", JSON.stringify(inv)); inv = [" stone pickaxe"]; let inv_save = localStorage.getItem("inv_what"); if (inv_save !== null) { inv = JSON.parse(inv_save); }*/ timerForExPoints(); function timerForDragonBloodTrees() { setTimeout(addDragonBloodTrees, 60000) } function timerForExPoints() { setTimeout(addExPoints, 100000, 'funky'); }1 play(); function gameStart() { timerForExPoints() document.write("
"); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write("") } function play() { $(".playButton").hide() timerForExPoints() /*document.write("") //document.write("
") document.write("
")*/ $(".travelButton").show() //done $(".skillButton").show() //done if ((equipedType === "sword") || (equipedName === "shield")) { $(".bossButton").show() //done } //$(".viewInventoryButton").show() //document.write("") //$(".levelStatsButton").show() if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".generalShopButton").show() $(".bankButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Darlamium") { $(".boatButton").show() } $(".dropButton").show() //document.write("") $(".eatButton").show() if (equipedType === "fireStarter" && travelLocType.includes("wc")) { $(".burnDownTreeButton").show() } if (equipedType === "fireStarter" && inv2.includes("gasContainer")) { $(".fillFireStarterButton").show() } if (equipedName.includes("Spade")) { $(".digForWormsButton").show() } $(".npcButton").show() showEXPInTable(); showEquipedItem(); showInvInTable(); displayLocationBasedImages(); save(); } function fillFireStarter() { removeFromInvArray("gasContainer") fireStarterLives = equiped removeAll() play() } function useFireStarter() { if (fireStarterLives > 0) { addToInvArray(coal) fireStarterLives--; document.write("Burnt down tree") } else { document.write("
You need more gas") } save(); } function generalShop_buyOrSell() { document.write("
") document.write(""); document.write(""); } function bank_outOrIn() { $(".generalBR").show() $(".bankOut").show() $(".bankIn").show() } function getOnBoat() { if (coins >= 10) { coins = coins - 10 travelLocation = "Sea" travelLocType = ["unclassified"] document.write("
On the Sea") } if (coins < 10) { document.write("You need more money for this!") } } function drop() { let counterAt0 = 0; let counterAt1 = 1; let invLength = inv2.length //debugger; while (invLength > 0) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).prop("onclick", null).off("click"); let invItem = inv2[counterAt0] let invItem1 = inv2[counterAt1] //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html("drop:") $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).html(``) //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).click(function() { removeFromInvArray(invItem); //adds function where onclick you drop item location.reload(); }); if (inv2[counterAt0] === undefined) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html(" ") } counterAt0++ counterAt1++ invLength-- } } function resetWithDropOpen() { removeAll(); play(); drop(); } function bank(inOrOut) { if (inOrOut === "In") { let counterAt0 = 0; let counterAt1 = 1; let invLength = inv2.length //debugger; while (invLength > 0) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).prop("onclick", null).off("click"); let invItem = inv2[counterAt0] let invItem1 = inv2[counterAt1] //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html("into bank:") $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).html(``) //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).click(function() { removeFromInvArray(invItem); //adds function where onclick you drop item addToBankArray(invItem); location.reload(); }); if (inv2[counterAt0] === undefined) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html(" ") } counterAt0++ counterAt1++ invLength-- } } if (inOrOut === "Out") { $(".listBankItems").empty() $(".listBankItems").show() let counterAt0 = 0; let counterAt1 = 1; let bankLength = bankContent.length log("opened bank") //debugger; while (bankLength > 0) { //$(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).prop("onclick", null).off("click"); let bankItem = bankContent[counterAt0] let bankItem1 = bankContent[counterAt1] let previousBankItems = document.getElementById("listBankItems") //debugger; previousBankItems.innerHTML +=`` + bankItem.itemName + "
" //$(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).html(``) //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).click(function() { removeFromInvArray(invItem); //adds function where onclick you drop item addToBankArray(invItem); location.reload(); }); if (inv2[counterAt0] === undefined) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html(" ") } counterAt0++ counterAt1++ bankLength-- } } } function resetWithBankOpen(outOrIn) { //debugger; removeAll() play(); if (outOrIn === ("In")) { bank("In") }if (outOrIn === ("Out")) { bank("Out") } } function leaveToFullMap() { save(); window.open("https://deadvey.xyz/wraithfate_v2/fullmap.html"); } function leave() { save(); window.location.replace("https://deadvey.xyz/experiments.html"); } function removeAll() { //debugger; $(".travelScreenButton").hide(); $(".skillScreenButton").hide(); $(".bossScreenButton").hide(); $(".hideThis").hide(); play(); //$(".output-here").hide(); } function travel() { //removeAll() log("Hit Travel Key") if (exPoints >= 1) { $(".travelScreenButton").show() if (travelLocation === "Darmamium") { $(".seaButton").show() } play() } save(); } function addExPoints() { if (exPoints < 100) { exPoints++ } save(); } function addDragonBloodTrees() { if (numOfDragonBloodTrees < 10) { numOfDragonBloodTrees++ } save(); } function travelTo(Loca) { if (Loca === "Volcano") { if (xpToLevel(cardioEXP) >= 30) { travelLocation = "Volcano"; removeAll(); log("You traveled to the Volcano") travelLocType = ['cardio', 'wc', 'boss', 'pompeii', `fighting`] } else if (xpToLevel(cardioEXP) < 30) { removeAll(); log("You need to have a higher cardio level in order to travel here"); } } else if (Loca === ("Ravine")) { if (xpToLevel(cardioEXP) >= 10) { travelLocation = "Ravine"; removeAll(); log("You traveled to the Ravine") travelLocType = ['cardio', 'fighting'] } else { removeAll(); log("You need to have a higher cardio level in order to travel here"); } } } function displayMoney() { document.write("
"); document.write(" " + coins); } function generalShopBuy() { document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") if (coins >= 1) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (coins >= 3) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (coins >= 5) { document.write("") } save(); } function generalShopSell() { document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("cookedCod")) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("cookedSalmon")) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("fishingRod")) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("cookedPiranah")) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("stoneSword")) { document.write("") } document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("cookedAnglerfish")) { document.write("") } } function addToInvArray(item) { if (inv2.length < 30) { inv2.push(item); save(); }else if (inv2.length >= 30) { log("Free up some inventory space") } play(); } function removeFromInvArray(item) { var index = inv2.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) { inv2.splice(index, 1); } save(); play(); } function chanceAddToInvArray(item, chance) { //debugger; let random; random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (chance - 1 + 1)) + 1 if (random === chance) { log(`You got a ${item}`) inv2.push(item) } } function addToBankArray(item) { bankContent.push(item) save(); } function removeFromBankArray(item) { debugger; let index = bankContent.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) { bankContent.splice(index, 1); } save(); } function removeGoldFromInvArray(amountOfGold) { while (amountOfGold > 0) { coins--; amountOfGold--; } } function addGoldToInvArray(amountOfGold) { while (amountOfGold > 0) { coins++; amountOfGold--; } } function addRandomAmountOfGold(min, max) { let add; add = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min coins = coins + add } function addEXP(whatToLevel, oreVar) { //debugger; if (whatToLevel === "mining") { miningEXP = miningEXP + oreVar + equiped; } if (whatToLevel === "wc") { wcEXP = wcEXP + oreVar + equiped; } if (whatToLevel === "smelting") { smeltEXP = smeltEXP + oreVar; } if (whatToLevel === "smithing") { smithEXP = smithEXP + (Math.trunc(oreVar/2)); } if (whatToLevel === "fishing") { fishingEXP = fishingEXP + oreVar + equiped; } if (whatToLevel === "cardio") { cardioEXP = cardioEXP + oreVar + (Math.trunc(exPoints/4)); } if (whatToLevel === "cooking") { cookingEXP = cookingEXP + oreVar + COAL; } if (whatToLevel === "fighting") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar - Math.round((10 - hp)/6) healthEXP = healthEXP + oreVar } if (whatToLevel === "defence") { defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar - Math.round((10 - hp)/6) healthEXP = healthEXP + oreVar - 1 } if (whatToLevel === "brightside") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 2 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 2 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 5 healthEXP = healthEXP + 10 } if (whatToLevel === "boulevard") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 3 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 3 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 7 healthEXP = healthEXP + 12 } if (whatToLevel === "neonTiger") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 4 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 4 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 8 healthEXP = healthEXP + 13 }if (whatToLevel === "kiki" || whatToLevel === "bouba") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 5 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 5 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 9 healthEXP = healthEXP + 14 }if (whatToLevel === "cemetaryGates") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 6 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 6 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 10 healthEXP = healthEXP + 15 }if (whatToLevel === "pompeii") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 7 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 7 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 11 healthEXP = healthEXP + 16 }if (whatToLevel === "frostbite") { fightingEXP = fightingEXP + oreVar + 8 defenceEXP = defenceEXP + oreVar + 8 cardioEXP = cardioEXP + 11 healthEXP = healthEXP + 16 } log("Gained EXP") showEXPInTable(); save(); } function specialRemoveHealth(baseDMG, shield_yesOrNo, bossConst, winItem, chance) { //debugger; let healthMinus if (shield_yesOrNo = true) { healthMinus = Math.round(Math.random() * (baseDMG)) } if (shield_yesOrNo = false) { healthMinus = Math.round(Math.random() * (baseDMG/6)) } hp = hp - healthMinus; log(`Took ${healthMinus} damage`) if (hp <= 0) { const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * inv2.length); const el = inv2.splice(random, 1)[0]; console.log(el); log("You fainted, and lost a random item! You managed to get back to Contherium") travelLocation = 'Contherium'; travelLocType = 'humanCity'; hp = xpToLevel(healthEXP) play(); save(); }else { doDamageToBoss(equiped, bossConst, baseDMG, shield_yesOrNo, winItem, chance); } save(); } function removeHealth(shield_yesOrNo, baseDMG) { let healthMinus; //debugger; if (shield_yesOrNo === false) { healthMinus = Math.round(Math.random() * 2 + (baseDMG) - xpToLevel(defenceEXP/4)) } if (shield_yesOrNo === true) { healthMinus = 0 } hp = hp - healthMinus; if (hp <= 0) { const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length); const el = inv2.splice(random, 1)[0]; console.log(el); log("You fainted, and lost a random item! You managed to get back to Contherium") travelLocation = Contherium; travelLocType = ["humanCity", "city"] hp = xpToLevel(healthEXP) play(); } save(); } function displayHealth() { document.write("
") document.write(hp, `/${xpToLevel(healthEXP)} hp`) } function displayEat() { document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("cookedCod")) { document.write("") } if (inv2.includes("cookedSalmon")) { document.write("") } if (inv2.includes("cookedPiranah")) { document.write("") } if (inv2.includes("cookedAnglerfish")) { document.write("") } } function eat(num, item) { let hpToHeal; hpToHeal = Math.round(num/4) while(hpToHeal > 0) { if (hp < (xpToLevel(healthEXP))) { hp++; document.write("
") document.write("You restored health") } removeFromInvArray(item) hpToHeal-- } removeAll(); play(); displayEat(); } function doDamageToBoss(weaponDMG, bossHealth, baseDMG, shield_yesOrNo, winItem, chance) { //debugger; let damage; let health = bossHealth damage = Math.round(Math.random() * (weaponDMG * 2)) health = health - damage; log(`dealt ${damage} damage`) if (health <= 0) { log("You won!") chanceAddToInvArray(winItem, chance); play(); } if (health > 0) { specialRemoveHealth(baseDMG, shield_yesOrNo, health, winItem, chance) } } function incBossCounter(boss) { //debugger; if (boss === "brightside") { brightsideKills++ }else if (boss === "boulevard") { boulevardKills++ }else if (boss === "neonTiger") { neonTigerKills++ }else if (boss === "kiki") { kikiKills++ }else if (boss === "bouba") { boubaKills++ }else if (boss === "cemetaryGates") { cemetaryGatesKills++ }else if (boss === "pompeii") { pompeiiKills++ }else if (boss === "frostbite") { frostbiteKills++ } save(); } function boss() { //debugger; if (equipedType === "sword") { haveShield = false; } if (equipedName.includes("shield")) { haveShield = true; } if (travelLocation === "Lighthouse") { //debugger; //document.write("
") //debugger; $(".brightsideButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Boulevard") { //debugger; $(".boulevardButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Axeldom Forest") { //debugger; $(".neonTigerButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Kiki") { //debugger; $(".kikiButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Bouba") { //debugger; $(".boubaButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Cemetary") { //debugger; $(".cemetaryGatesButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Volcano") { //debugger; $(".pompeiiButton").show() } if (travelLocation === "Ice Burg") { //debugger; $(".frostbiteButton").show() } } function defenceType() { document.write("
") //base level ones if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("orcCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("humanCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("humanCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //levelled ones if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 5 && travelLocation === "Ravine") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 10 && travelLocation === "Ravine") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //cemetary if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 12 && travelLocation === "Cemetary") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 20 && travelLocation === "Cemetary") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //volcano if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 25 && travelLocation === "Volcano") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 40 && travelLocation === "Volcano") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } } function fightingType() { document.write("
") //base level ones if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("orcCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("humanCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 0 && travelLocType.includes("humanCity")) { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //leveled ones if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 5 && travelLocation === "Ravine") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 10 && travelLocation === "Ravine") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //cemetary if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 12 && travelLocation === "Cemetary") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 20 && travelLocation === "Cemetary") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } //volcano if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 25 && travelLocation === "Volcano") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fightingEXP) >= 40 && travelLocation === "Volcano") { document.write(``) document.write("
") } } //mining function mineType() { //debugger; //document.write("
") $(".miningScreenBR").show() if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 0) { //debugger; $(".rockButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 5) { $(".coalButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 10) { $(".tinButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 11) { $(".copperButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 15 && (equipedType === ("bronzePickaxe") || equipedType === ("ironPickaxe") || equipedType === ("diamondPickaxe")) && travelLocation === ("Sand Mine")) { $(".ironButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 30 && (equipedType === ("ironPickaxe") || equipedType === ("diamondPickaxe")) && travelLocation === ("Gemeroth Mine")) { $(".diamondButton").show() } //gold if (xpToLevel(miningEXP) >= 11 && (equipedType === ("bronzePickaxe") || equipedType === ("ironPickaxe") || equipedType === ("diamondPickaxe")) && travelLocation === ("Talmon Mine")) { $(".goldButton").show() } } //woodcutting function wcType() { $(".wcScreenBR").show() if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 0 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".oakButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 5 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".willowButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 10 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".beechButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 18 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".ivyButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 25 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".palmButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 36 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".redwoodButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 47 && ! travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".yewButton").show() } if (xpToLevel(wcEXP) >= 60 && travelLocation === ("Volcano")) { $(".redwoodButton").show() numOfDragonBloodTrees--; save(); } } function cardio() { $(".cardioScreenBR").show() if (travelLocation === "Lighthouse") { $(".lighthouseButton").show() exPoints--; } if (travelLocation === "Ravine") { $(".ravineButton").show() exPoints--; } if (travelLocation === "Volcano") { $(".volcanoButton").show() exPoints--; } } function fishingType() { //debugger; document.write("
") if (inv2.includes(lavaGlove)) { if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 0 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait)) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 5 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait)) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 11 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("West Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 19 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("Sand Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 30 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("East Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } } else { if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 0 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait)) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 5 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait)) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 11 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("West Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 19 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("Sand Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(fishingEXP) >= 30 && equipedType === ("fishingRod") && inv2.includes(bait) && travelLocation === ("East Beach")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } } } function cookingType() { document.write("
") //add cooked cod image if (inv2.includes(coal)){ if (xpToLevel(cookingEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("cod")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(cookingEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("salmon")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(cookingEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("piranah")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(cookingEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("anglerfish")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } } } function smeltType() { document.write("
") if (inv2.includes("coal")) { if (xpToLevel(smeltEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("tin") && inv2.includes("copper")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(smeltEXP) >= 10 && inv2.includes("iron")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } //gold if (xpToLevel(smeltEXP) >= 10 && inv2.includes("gold")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } } } function smithType() { //pcikaxes document.write("
") if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 0 && inv2.includes("bronze") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 10 && inv2.includes("ironBar") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } //axes if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 15 && inv2.includes("bronze") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 20 && inv2.includes("ironBar") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } //swords if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 5 && inv2.includes("bronze") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 15 && inv2.includes("ironBar") && inv2.includes("oakLog")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } //shield if (xpToLevel(smithEXP) >= 5 && inv2.includes("oakLog") && inv2.includes("ironBar")) { document.write("") document.write("
") } } save(); function skill() { $(".skillScreenButton").hide() //debugger; log("Hit Skill Key") if (travelLocType.includes("mine") && equipedType === "pickaxe") { //debugger; $(".miningButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("wc") && equipedType === "axe") { $(".wcButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".cardioButton").show() } if (equipedName.includes("Sword")) { $(".fightingButton").show() //to be designed! } if (travelLocType.includes("fishing") && equipedType === "fishingRod") { $(".fishingButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".cookingButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".smeltingButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".smithingButton").show() } if (travelLocType.includes("farm")) { $(".farmingButton").show() } /*if (travelLocation === ("Volcano")) { $(".wcButton").show() }*/ if (equipedName.includes("shield")) { $(".defenceButton").show() //to be designed! } /*else if (travelLocType === "unclassified") { document.write("Not in suitable location for skilling") } else { document.write("
Try equiping the right equipment.") }*/ save(); } function displayAllEXP() { //debugger; document.write("
") document.write("Total Level: ", xpToLevel(miningEXP) + xpToLevel(wcEXP) + xpToLevel(fightingEXP) + xpToLevel(fishingEXP) + xpToLevel(cookingEXP) + xpToLevel(smeltEXP) + xpToLevel(smithEXP) + xpToLevel(healthEXP) + xpToLevel(defenceEXP)) document.write("
") document.write("Total EXP: ", parseInt(miningEXP) + parseInt(wcEXP) + parseInt(fightingEXP) + parseInt(fishingEXP) + cookingEXP + smeltEXP + smithEXP + healthEXP + defenceEXP) //document.write("
cba to make this rn") } function stats() { removeAll(); play(); document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write("
") document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write("
") document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write(``); document.write("
") document.write(``); document.write(``) /*document.write(""); log("mining level " + xpToLevel(miningEXP) log("woodcutting level " + xpToLevel(wcEXP)) log("cardio level " + xpToLevel(cardioEXP)) log("fighting level " + xpToLevel(fightingEXP)) log("fishing level " + xpToLevel(fishingEXP)) log("cooking level " + xpToLevel(cookingEXP)) log("smelting level " + xpToLevel(smeltEXP)) log("smithing level " + xpToLevel(smithEXP)) log("farming level " + xpToLevel(farmEXP))*/ //log("total level " + xpToLevel(farmEXP)+xpToLevel(smithEXP)) } save(); function displayEXP(skill) { document.write("
"); document.write("level: " + xpToLevel(skill)); document.write("
"); document.write("exp: " + skill); document.write("
"); document.write("Next level at: " + Math.round(Math.pow((xpToLevel(skill) + 1), 4))); document.write("
"); xpToNextLevel(skill) } function equip(item, itemName, itemType) { //debugger; equiped = item; equipedName = itemName; equipedType = itemType; if (equipedType === "fireStarter") { fireStarterLives = item; } save(); removeAll(); log(`Equiped ` + itemName); showEquipedItem() play(); } function invDisplay() { document.write("
") arrayTextToImage(); document.write("
Total items: " + inv2.length) if (inv2.length >= 30) { document.write("
Free up some inventory space") } document.write("
") } function arrayTextToImage() { //image with equipment imageWithEquipment("stonePickaxe", "Stone Pickaxe", STONEPICKAXE, "pickaxe"); imageWithEquipment("stoneAxe", "Stone Axe", STONEAXE, "axe"); imageWithEquipment("stoneSword", "Stone Sword", STONESWORD, "sword"); imageWithEquipment("brightSword", "Bright Sword", BRIGHTSWORD, "sword") imageWithEquipment("bronzePickaxe", "Bronze Pickaxe", BRONZEPICKAXE, "pickaxe"); imageWithEquipment("bronzeAxe", "Bronze Axe", BRONZEAXE, "axe"); imageWithEquipment("ironAxe", "Iron Axe", IRONAXE, "axe") imageWithEquipment("bronzeSword", "Bronze Sword", BRONZESWORD, "sword"); imageWithEquipment("fishingRod", "Fishing Rod", FISHINGROD, "fishingRod"); imageWithEquipment("shield", "Shield", SHIELD, "shield") imageWithEquipment("lonelyRope", "Lonely Rope", FISHINGROD, "fishingRod") imageWithEquipment("graveSpade", "Grave Spade", GRAVESPADE, "spade") imageWithEquipment("blowtorch", "Blowtorch", BLOWTORCH, "fireStarter") imageWithEquipment("neonFang", "Neon Fang", NEONFANG, "sword") imageWithEquipment("kikiSpike", "Kiki Spike", KIKISPIKE, "pickaxe") imageWithEquipment("boubaClub", "Bouba Club", BOUBACLUB, "axe") imageWithEquipment("sythe", "Sythe", SYTHE, "sythe") imageWithEquipment("stoneSythe", "Stone Sythe", STONESYTHE, "sythe") imageWithEquipment("iceShard", "Ice Shard", ICESHARD, "sword") function imageWithEquipment(itemVarName1, itemName1, constVar1, itemType1) { //debugger; if (inv2.includes(itemVarName1)) { let itemVarName = itemVarName1 let itemName = itemName1 let constVar = constVar1 let itemType = itemType1 $(".invScreenButton").show() $(".invButton").show() let number = 0; let Num = inv2.filter(item => item === itemVarName).length while (Num >= 1) { number++ Num-- } $(".invNumberSpan").html(number); $(".invNameSpan").html(" " + itemName); } } function image(itemVarName, itemName) { if (inv2.includes(itemVarName)) { document.write("
"); document.write(``) let number = 0; let Num = inv2.filter(item => item === itemVarName).length while (Num >= 1) { number++ Num-- } document.write(number); document.write(" " + itemName) } } } function showInvInTable() { let counterAt0 = 0; let counterAt1 = 1; let invLength = inv2.length //debugger; while (invLength > 0) { let invItem = inv2[counterAt0] let invItem1 = inv2[counterAt1] //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html(invItem.itemName) $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).html(``) //debugger; if ((invItem).equipable === true) { //debugger; $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}Button`).click(function() { equip(invItem.number, invItem.item, invItem.type) }); } if (inv2[counterAt0] === undefined) { $(`.invSlot${counterAt1}`).html(" ") } counterAt0++ counterAt1++ invLength-- } } function consoleLog(text) { console.log(text) } function defineAllItems() { debugger } function showEXPInTable() { //debugger; $(`.miningStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(miningEXP)); $(`.wcStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(wcEXP)); $(`.cardioStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(cardioEXP)); $(`.fightingStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(fightingEXP)); $(`.fishingStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(fishingEXP)); $(`.cookingStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(cookingEXP)); $(`.smeltStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(smeltEXP)); $(`.smithStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(smithEXP)); $(`.healthStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(healthEXP)); $(`.defenceStatTable`).html(xpToLevel(defenceEXP)); } function showEquipedItem() { if (equipedName != "") { $(".equipedItemBox").attr("src", `itemSprites/${equipedName}.png`); } } function displayLocationBasedImages() { $(".locationImageBox").attr("src", "itemSprites/undefined.png") //skill images that show in the first 10 slots :) if (travelLocType.includes("mine")) { $(".miningImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/miningIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("wc")) { $(".wcImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/wcIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("cardio")) { $(".cardioImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/cardioIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("fighting")) { $(".fightingImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/fightingIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("fishing")) { $(".fishingImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/fishingIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".miningImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/cookingIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".miningImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/smeltIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("city")) { $(".miningImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/smithIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("fighting")) { $(".healthImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/heartIcon.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("fighting")) { $(".defenceImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/defenceIcon.png") } //Boss images and city ones, for the latter ten slots :) if (travelLocType.includes("bouba")) { $(".boubaImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/bouba.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("boulevard")) { $(".boulevardImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/boulevard.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("brightside")) { $(".brightsideImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/brightside.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("cemetaryGates")) { $(".cemetaryGatesImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/cemetaryGates.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("frostbite")) { $(".frostbiteImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/frostbite.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("kiki")) { $(".kikiImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/kiki.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("neonTiger")) { $(".neonTigerImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/neonTiger.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("pompeii")) { $(".pompeiiImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/pompeii.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("humanCity")) { $(".humanCityImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/placeHolder.png") } if (travelLocType.includes("orcCity")) { $(".orcCityImage").attr("src", "itemSprites/placeHolder.png") } } function eraseLogBook() { //see if the amount of text inside log book ecsedes 200 and if so it deletes them. console.log($(".output-here").text().length) if (($(".output-here").text().length) > 200) //<--- well this used to be 200, might not be now XD $(".output-here").html("") } function chatNPC() { let lengthOfNPCArray = arrayOfNPCs.length for (let counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0 = 0; counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0 < lengthOfNPCArray; counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0++) { console.log(arrayOfNPCs[counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0]) //just fr testing will delete. //debugger; if (arrayOfNPCs[counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0].startingLocation === travelLocation) { //if the NPC is in the same location as you it does the below stuff with it console.log(arrayOfNPCs[counter_for_items_in_npc_array_starting_at_0].name) $(".NPCButtons").show() $(".NPCButtons").html($(".NPCButtons").html() + ``) } } }