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Welcome to my personal website! I hope you have a good time. Feel free to click the links above for more content! Also, see below for links to my other stuff.
This website is completley open source on Github, see Website files and Node js files.

Website Status:

I'm currently using this website mainly for blogs and reviews of all sorts of things. You can subscribe to my RSS feed Or comment on individual posts if you have anything to add!
I made a List of all the films I have on DVD, some of which I've reviewed!


In order to contact me, you can email me
Or PM me through Matrix,
However, if you want to report a bug then the best way would be on the Git repo

Recent Commits: animated git gif

I'm sorry, you need to by running the Open source javascript to load this section

Mr Incredible typing

Here you can read my latest blog post:

Latest blog