locations: human towns: ol greth gemeroth axeldom town contherium - capital orc towns: vermith tysak talmon kiki bouba darlamium - capital bosses: volcano lighthouse kiki bouba ice burg boulevard other: farms: wheat farm blueberry farm forests: sand forest oak willow ivy axeldom forest oak beach redwood yew mines: sand mine talmon mine gemeroth mine beach: sand beach palm cod salmon west beach palm cod east beach palm salmon unclassified: cemetary willow ravine ice burg volcano lighthouse all: ol greth gemeroth axeldom town contherium - capital vermith tysak talmon kiki bouba darlamium - capital volcano lighthouse kiki bouba ice burg boulevard cemetary ravine sand beach west beach east beach sand mine talmon mine gemeroth mine sand forest axeldom forest wheat farm blueberry farm mining: sand mine talmon mine gemeroth mine woodcutting: sand forest axeldom forest cardio: lighthouse ravine volcano (level 40) fighting: all boss locations all cities muggers brawlers ravine spiders cemetary ghosts grave robbers volcano minor fire spirits major fire spirits fishing: beach darlamium sand river tysak river cooking: all cities (bar kiki and bouba) smelting: ol greth gemeroth talmon smithing: ol greth gemeroth talmon farming (to be added): wheat farm bluebery farm commands: training: train travel: travel