//debugger; const date = new Date(); let day = date.getDate(); let month = date.getMonth() + 1; let year = date.getFullYear(); // This arrangement can be altered based on how we want the date's format to appear. let currentDate = `${day}-${month}-${year}`; log(date); // "17-6-2022" console.log("test") function fullmap() { window.open("https://www.deadvey.xyz/wraithfate/fullmap.png"); } document.body.style.color = 'darkgreen'; document.body.style.fontFamily = "Courier New,Charcoal,sans-serif"; console.log("pls do no not change this, devs only ._.") const rock = 5; const coal = 10; const tin = 15; const copper = 16; const bronze = 19; const iron = 25; const diamond = 35; const cooked_salmon = 6; const cooked_cod = 11; const cooked_dragon_blood_fish = 51; const salmon = 5; const cod = 10; const dragon_blood_fish = 50; const oak_log = 5; const willow_log = 10; const beach_log = 20; const ivy_log = 30; const palm_log = 40; const redwood_log = 50; const yew_log = 75; const dragon_blood_log = 100; const stone_sword = 5; const iron_sword = 10; const wooden_shield = 9; const iron_shield = 4; const stone_pick = 5; const iron_pick = 10; const stone_axe = 5; const iron_axe = 10; //bosses v let Mr_Brightside = 0; let Boulevard_of_Broken_Dreams = 0; let Cemetary_Gates = 0; let Under_Pressure= 0; let Seven_Seas_of_Rhye= 0; let Jump = 0; let Kiki = 0; let Bouba = 0; let Pompeii = 0; let Eternal_Flame = 0; //bosses ^ let wheat_planted = 5; let blueberry_planted = 5; let name = ""; let age = ""; let input = ""; let state = 0; let hp = 100; let mining = 0; let wc = 0; let cardio = 0; let fighting = 0; let fishing = 0; let cooking = 0; let smelting = 0; let smithing = 0; let farming = 0; let loc = "Sand mine"; let loc_type = "Mine" let mon = 1000; let inv = [" stone pickaxe"]; let equip_shield = undefined; let equip_sword = undefined; let equip_pick = undefined; let equip_axe = undefined; let equip_shield1 = 0; let equip_sword1 = 0; let equip_pick1 = 0; let equip_axe1 = 0; function xp_to_level(exp) { let level = Math.trunc(Math.cbrt(exp)); return level; } function save() { localStorage.setItem("wheat_planted", wheat_planted); localStorage.setItem("blueberry_palnted", blueberry_planted); localStorage.setItem("state", state); localStorage.setItem("hp_level", hp); localStorage.setItem("mining_level", mining); localStorage.setItem("wc_level", wc); localStorage.setItem("cardio_level", cardio); localStorage.setItem("fighting_level", fighting); localStorage.setItem("fishing_level", fishing); localStorage.setItem("cooking_level", cooking); localStorage.setItem("smelting_level", smelting); localStorage.setItem("smithing_level", smithing); localStorage.setItem("farming_level", farming); localStorage.setItem("loc_level", loc); localStorage.setItem("loc_type_level", loc_type); localStorage.setItem("mon_level", mon); localStorage.setItem("inv_what", JSON.stringify(inv)); localStorage.setItem("equip_shield_ls", equip_shield); localStorage.setItem("equip_sword_ls", equip_sword); localStorage.setItem("equip_pick_ls", equip_pick); localStorage.setItem("equip_shield_ls1", equip_shield1); localStorage.setItem("equip_sword_ls1", equip_sword1); localStorage.setItem("equip_pick_ls1", equip_pick1); localStorage.setItem("equip_axe_ls", equip_axe); localStorage.setItem("equip_axe_ls1", equip_axe1); localStorage.setItem("Mr_Brightside_ls", Mr_Brightside); localStorage.setItem("Username_ls", Username); } function load_int_from_local_storage(storage_name, default_value_if_unset) { let loaded_value = localStorage.getItem(storage_name); if (loaded_value !== null) { return parseInt(loaded_value); } return default_value_if_unset; } function load_string_from_local_storage(storage_name, default_value_if_unset) { let loaded_value = localStorage.getItem(storage_name); if (loaded_value !== null) { return loaded_value; } return default_value_if_unset; } function load() { wheat_planted = load_int_from_local_storage("wheat_planted", 5); blueberry_planted = load_int_from_local_storage("blueberry_planted", 5); hp = load_int_from_local_storage("hp_level", 100); mining = load_int_from_local_storage("mining_level", 0); wc = load_int_from_local_storage("wc_level", 0); cardio = load_int_from_local_storage("cardio_level", 0); fighting = load_int_from_local_storage("fighting_level", 0); fishing = load_int_from_local_storage("fishing_level", 0); cooking = load_int_from_local_storage("cooking_level", 0); smelting = load_int_from_local_storage("smelting_level", 0); smithing = load_int_from_local_storage("smithing_level", 0); farming = load_int_from_local_storage("farming_level", 0); loc = load_string_from_local_storage("loc_level", "Sand mine"); mon = load_int_from_local_storage("mon_level", 1000); inv = [" stone pickaxe"]; let inv_save = localStorage.getItem("inv_what"); if (inv_save !== null) { inv = JSON.parse(inv_save); } equip_shield = load_string_from_local_storage("equip_shield_ls", undefined); equip_sword = load_string_from_local_storage("equip_sword_ls", undefined); equip_pick = load_string_from_local_storage("equip_pick_ls", undefined); equip_axe = load_string_from_local_storage("equip_axe_ls", undefined); equip_shield1 = load_int_from_local_storage("equip_shield_ls1", 0); equip_sword1 = load_int_from_local_storage("equip_sword_ls1", 0); equip_pick1 = load_int_from_local_storage("equip_pick_ls1", 0); equip_axe1 = load_int_from_local_storage("equip_axe_ls1", 0); Mr_Brightside = load_int_from_local_storage("Mr_Brightside_ls", 0); Username = load_int_from_local_storage("Username_ls", undefined); state = load_int_from_local_storage("state", 0); } // Now we try load their save load(); if (state === 0) { log("What is your name?"); } if (state === 2) { log("Game loaded"); log(" ") } //selling function remove_item_from_inv_and_save(item_name) { var index = inv.indexOf(item_name); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } save(); return inv; // Return the new inv with one less item } //buying function add_item_to_inv_and_save(item_name, cost) { inv.push(item_name); save(); mon = mon - cost; save(); log("you now have a(n) " + item_name + " and have " + cost + " less coins for a total of " + mon + " coins"); } //idk function log(text) { let our_div = document.querySelectorAll(".output-here")[0]; our_div.innerHTML = our_div.innerHTML + text + "
"; } /*function equip_item_and_assign_var(equip) { if(inv.includes(equip)) { equip_sword = equip; log("You equiped " + equip) } }*/ //fighting function fighting_enemy_and_taking_damage(enemy, sword, shield, e_hp, exp, drop, damage) { while (e_hp > 0) { hp = hp - parseInt(shield) + (xp_to_level(fighting) / 2); damage = damage + parseInt(sword) + parseInt(shield) + xp_to_level(fighting); fighting = fighting + parseInt(sword) + parseInt(shield); e_hp = e_hp - damage; log("You dealt total of " + damage + " damage to the " + enemy + " it now has " + e_hp + " hp you now have " + hp + " hp and now have " + fighting + " fighting exp"); } inv.push(drop); log("The " + enemy + " dies and you receive a(n) " + drop + " and you now have " + fighting + " fighting exp"); save(); } //mining function mining_certain_ores_and_collecting_material(pick, ore, ore_name) { mining = mining + ore + xp_to_level(mining); save(); log('You hit some rocks, you now have ' + mining + ' mining exp and gain 1 ' + ore_name) if (ore_name === " rock") { inv.push(" rock"); } if (ore_name === " coal") { inv.push(" coal"); } if (ore_name === " iron") { inv.push(" iron"); } if (ore_name === " diamond") { inv.push(" diamond") } save(); display_image('jsmining.png', 80, 110, 'JavaScriptImage'); } //smelting function smelting_and_getting_certain_xp_depending_on_ore(ore, ore_name, ingot_name) { smelting = smelting + ore + xp_to_level(smelting); inv.push(ingot_name) save(); var index = inv.indexOf(ore); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } var index = inv.indexOf(" coal"); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } log("You smelted a(n) " + ore_name + " and now have " + smelting + " smelting exp") save(); } //smithing function smithing_and_getting_exp_based_on_ore(item, item_name, ore, ore_name, log_) { //log("test0") var index = inv.indexOf(item_name); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } var index = inv.indexOf(log_); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } smithing = smithing + item + xp_to_level(smithing) inv.push(item_name) //log("test1") log("Gained a " + item_name + " and now have " + smithing + " exp") save(); } //woodcutting function chop_tree_and_get_logs(axe, log_var, log_name) { wc = wc + xp_to_level(wc) + log_var; save(); inv.push(log_name) save(); log("You got a " + log_name + " and now have " + wc + " woodcutting exp") } //fishing function fish_and_collect_item(fish, fish_name) { fishing = fishing + fish + xp_to_level(fishing); inv.push(fish_name); save(); log("You got a " + fish_name + " and now have " + fishing + " fishing exp"); } //cooking function turning_food_into_cooked_version(fuel, fuel_name, before, before_name, after, after_name) { var index = inv.indexOf(fuel_name); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } var index = inv.indexOf(before_name); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } inv.push(after_name) cooking = cooking + before + xp_to_level(cooking); log(" You cooked a " + before_name + " with " + fuel_name + " and now have " + cooking + " cooking exp") save(); } //farming //planting function planting_and_receiving_exp_farming(seed_name, seed_exp, plant_name, plant_exp ) { var index = inv.indexOf(seed_name); if (index > -1) { inv.splice(index, 1); } farming = farming + seed_exp + plant_exp; log("you planted some " + plant_name + " and now have " + farming + " farming exp"); wheat_planted++; save(); } //harvesting function harvesting_wheat_or_blueberries(seed_name, seed_exp, plant_name, plant_exp) { inv.push(seed_name, seed_name, plant_name); farming = farming + seed_exp + plant_exp; log("You harvested some " + seed_name + " and now have " + farming + " farming exp"); wheat_planted--; save(); } /*function fight_brightside_boss(b_hp) { while (b_hp > 0) { b_hp = b_hp - parseInt(sword) - parseInt(shield); log(b_hp) } }*/ //functions ^ function process_text() { let text = document.querySelectorAll(".input-here")[0].value; text = text.toLowerCase(); document.querySelectorAll(".input-here")[0].value = ""; //clear the box if (state == 0) { log(">>" + text); log(text + " hmmm"); Username = text; //store name for later (in theory) state = 1; log("Hello " + Username + ' in the world of Saecloe, you can level your skills, by fighting and other actions, want to play?') save(); //log("How old are you?") //} else if (state == 1) { //log(">>" + text); //log("oh, so your age is: " + text); //age = text; //store age for later (in theory) //state = 2; } else if (state === 1) { if (text.toLowerCase() === "yes") { log(">>" + text); log('Great!'); ans1 = text; state = 2; save(); log('To begin, type \"mine rock" to mine :D') } else if (text.toLowerCase() === "no") { log("Well, cya...") } } else if (state === 2) { log(">>" + text) //inventory if (text.toLowerCase().includes("inv")) { log(inv.join(", ")) } //training //if (text.toLowerCase().includes("train")) { //mining if (text.toLowerCase().includes("mine") && ! text.toLowerCase().includes("travel")) { if (loc === "Sand mine" || loc === "Talmon mine" || loc === "Gemeroth mine") { if (inv.includes(" stone pickaxe") || inv.includes(" iron pickaxe")) { if (text.includes(" rock")) { mining_certain_ores_and_collecting_material(equip_pick1, rock, " rock") } if (text.includes(" coal")) { if (xp_to_level(mining) >= 5) { mining_certain_ores_and_collecting_material(equip_pick1, coal, " coal") } else { log("You do not have enough mining levels for this") } } if (text.includes(" iron")) { if (xp_to_level(mining) >= 10) { mining_certain_ores_and_collecting_material(equip_pick1, iron, " iron") } else { log("You do not have enough mining levels for this") } } } if (inv.includes(" iron pickaxe")) { if (text.includes(" diamond")) { if (xp_to_level(mining) >= 25) { mining_certain_ores_and_collecting_material(equip_pick1, diamond, " diamond") } else { log("You do not have enough mining levels for this") } } } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } //woodcutting if (text.includes("cut") || text.includes("chop")) { if (text.includes("oak") && (loc === ("Sand forest") || loc === ("Axeldom forest"))) { chop_tree_and_get_logs(equip_axe1, oak_log, " oak log"); } if (text.includes("willow") && loc === ("Forest") && xp_to_level(wc) >= 5) { chop_tree_and_get_logs(equip_axe1, willow_log, " willow log"); } } //cardio if (text.toLowerCase().includes("cardio")) { if (loc === "Lighthouse") { cardio = cardio + 10; save(); log('you run up and down the stairs of the Lighthouse and now have ' + cardio + ' cardio exp') } if (loc === "Ravine") { cardio = cardio + 20; save(); log('you climb the cliff edges of the ravine and now have ' + cardio + ' cardio exp') } if (loc === "Volcano") { cardio = cardio + 40; save(); log('you treck the steep volcano and now have ' + cardio + ' cardio exp') } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment'); } } //fighting if (text.toLowerCase().includes("fight")) { if (equip_sword === "stone sword" || equip_sword === "iron sword") { if (text.includes("orc") && loc === "Vermith") { fighting_enemy_and_taking_damage(" orc", equip_sword1, equip_shield1, 30, 10, " orc flesh", 0); } if (text.includes("spider") && loc === "Ravine" /* && fighting >= 10*/ ) { fighting_enemy_and_taking_damage(" Giant Spider", equip_sword1, equip_shield1, 60, 25, " venom duct", 0); } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment 2') } } //fishing if (text.toLowerCase().includes("fish")) { if (inv.includes(" fishing pole") === true) { if (loc === "Beach" && text.includes("salmon")) { fish_and_collect_item(salmon, " salmon") } if (loc === "Beach" && text.includes("cod")) { fish_and_collect_item(cod, " cod") } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } //cooking if (text.toLowerCase().includes("cook")) { if (loc === "Ol Greth") { if (text.includes(" sal")) { if (text.includes(" log") && inv.includes(" oak log")) { turning_food_into_cooked_version(log, " log", salmon, " salmon", cooked_salmon, " cooked salmon") } if (text.includes(" coal") && inv.includes(" coal")) { } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment1') } } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment2') } } //smelting if (text.toLowerCase().includes("smelt")) { if (loc === "Ol Greth") { if (inv.includes(" coal")) { if (text.includes("iron")) { smelting_and_getting_certain_xp_depending_on_ore(iron, " iron", " iron bar") } } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } //smithing if (text.includes("smith")) { if (loc === "Ol Greth") { if (text.includes("iron")) { if (text.includes("pickaxe") && inv.includes(" iron bar") && (inv.includes(" log") || (inv.includes(" oak log")))) { smithing_and_getting_exp_based_on_ore(iron_pick, " iron pickaxe", iron, " iron bar", " log") } if (text.includes("sword") && inv.includes(" iron bar") && (inv.includes(" log") || (inv.includes(" oak log")))) { smithing_and_getting_exp_based_on_ore(iron_sword, " iron sword", iron, " iron bar", " log") } if (text.includes("shield") && inv.includes(" iron bar")) { smithing_and_getting_exp_based_on_ore(iron_shield, " iron shield", iron, " iron bar", " log") } if (text.includes(" axe") && inv.includes(" iron bar") && (inv.includes(" log") || (inv.includes(" oak log")))) { smithing_and_getting_exp_based_on_ore(iron_axe, " iron axe", iron, " iron bar", " log") } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment1') } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment2') } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment3') } } //farming //planting if (text.includes("plant")) { if (text.includes("wheat")) { if (loc="Wheat farm" && inv.includes(" wheat seeds")) { planting_and_receiving_exp_farming(" wheat seeds", 5, " wheat", 5) } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } //harvesting if (text.includes("harvest")) { if(text.includes("wheat") && wheat_planted >= 1) { if(loc="Wheat farm") { harvesting_wheat_or_blueberries(" wheat seeds", 5, " wheat", 5) } } else { log('you do not meet the requirements, please check that your location is correct and that you have the correct equipment') } } //traveling if (text.toLowerCase().includes("travel")) { //human towns if (text.toLowerCase().includes("ol greth")) { loc = "Ol Greth" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("gemeroth")) { loc = "Gemeroth" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("axeldom town")) { loc = "Axeldom Town" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("contherium")) { loc = "Contherium" loc_type = "City" save(); } //orc towns if (text.toLowerCase().includes("vermith")) { loc = "Vermith" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("tysak")) { loc = "Tysak" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("talmon")) { loc = "Talmon" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("kiki")) { loc = "Kiki" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("bouba")) { loc = "Bouba" loc_type = "City" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("darlamium")) { loc = "Darlamium" loc_type = "City" save(); } //others if (text.toLowerCase().includes("volcano")) { if (xp_to_level(cardio) >= 40) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = "orange"; loc = "Volcano" loc_type = "Cardio" save(); } else { log("Get to level 40 cardio to enter this") } save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("lighthouse")) { loc = "Lighthouse" loc_type = "Agility" log("Boss: Mr. Brightside"); save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("ice burg")) { if (inv.includes(" boat")) { loc = "Ice burg" loc_type = "loc" save(); } else { log("Get a boat") } save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("boulevard")) { loc = "Boulevard" loc_type = "loc" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("cemetary")) { loc = "Cemetary" loc_type = "loc" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("ravine")) { if (xp_to_level(cardio) >= 10) { loc = "Ravine" loc_type = "loc" save(); } else { log("reach level 10 cardio to enter this") } save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("sand beach")) { loc = "Sand beach" loc_type = "Beach" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("west beach")) { loc = "West beach" loc_type = "Beach" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("east beach")) { loc = "East beach" loc_type = "Beach" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("sand mine")) { loc = "Sand mine" loc_type = "Mine" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("talmon mine")) { loc = "Talmon mine" loc_type = "Mine" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("gemeroth mine")) { loc = "Gemeroth mine" loc_type = "Mine" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("sand forest")) { loc = "Sand forest" loc_type = "Forest" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("axeldom forest")) { loc = "Axeldom forest" loc_type = "Forest" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("wheat farm")) { loc = "Wheat farm" loc_type = "Farm" save(); } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("blueberry farm")) { loc = "Blueberry farm" loc_type = "Farm" save(); } /*if (loc === "Lighthouse") { log('Your location is now ' + loc + " place of the boss: Brightside") } */ log('Your location is ' + loc + ' location type ' + loc_type) save(); } //buying if (text.includes("buy") && loc === "Ol Greth") { //log("test") if (text.toLowerCase().includes(" stone axe") && mon >= 350) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" stone axe", 350) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("stone pickaxe") && mon >= 400) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" stone pickaxe", 400) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("pole") && mon >= 75) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" fishing pole", 75) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("stone sword") && mon >= 550) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" stone sword", 550) } /*if (text.toLowerCase().includes(" stone") && localStorage.getItem("mon_level") >= 780) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" iron sword", 780) }*/ if (text.toLowerCase().includes("oak") && mon >= 15) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" oak log", 15) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("iron") && mon >= 60) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" iron ore", 60) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("salm") && mon >= 50) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" salmon", 50) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("orc") && mon >= 3) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" orc flesh", 3) } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("wooden shield") && mon >= 500) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" wooden shield", 500) } /*if (text.toLowerCase().includes("stone sword") && localStorage.getItem("mon_level") >= 900) { add_item_to_inv_and_save(" iron shield", 900) }*/ } //selling if (text.toLowerCase().includes("sell") && loc === "Ol Greth") { if (text.toLowerCase().includes(" axe") && inv.includes(" axe")) { mon = mon + 350 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" axe"); log('You sold an axe and gained 350 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("pickaxe") && inv.includes(" pickaxe")) { mon = mon + 400 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" pickaxe"); log('You sold a pickaxe and gained 400 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("pole") && inv.includes(" fishing pole")) { mon = mon + 75 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" fishing pole"); log('You sold a fishing pole and gained 75 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("stone sword") && inv.includes(" sword")) { mon = mon + 550 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" stone sword"); log('You sold a stone sword and gained 550 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("oak") && inv.includes(" oak log")) { mon = mon + 15 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" oak log"); log('You sold an oak log and gained 15 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("iron") && inv.includes(" iron ore")) { mon = mon + 60 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" iron ore"); log('You sold an iron ore and gained 60 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("salm") && inv.includes(" salmon")) { mon = mon + 50 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" salmon"); log('You sold a salmon and gained 50 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes("orc") && inv.includes(" orc")) { mon = mon + 3 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" orc flesh"); log('You sold an orc flesh and gained 3 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes(" stone shield") && inv.includes(" shield")) { mon = mon + 500 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" wooden shield"); log('You wooden sold a shield and gained 3 coins') } if (text.toLowerCase().includes(" iron shield") && inv.includes(" shield")) { mon = mon + 900 save(); remove_item_from_inv_and_save(" iron shield"); log('You sold an iron shield and gained 3 coins') } } //equiping else if (text.includes("equip ")) { //sword if (text.includes("sword")) { if (text.includes("stone") && inv.includes(" stone sword")) { equip_sword = "stone sword"; equip_sword1 = stone_sword; log("Equiped stone sword") save(); } if (text.includes("iron") && inv.includes(" iron sword")) { equip_sword = "iron sword"; equip_sword1 = iron_sword; log("Equiped iron sword") save(); } } //shield if (text.includes("shield")) { if (text.includes("wood") && inv.includes(" wooden shield")) { equip_shield = "wooden shield"; equip_shield1 = wooden_shield; log("Equiped wooden shield") save(); } if (text.includes("iron") && inv.includes(" iron shield")) { equip_shield = "iron shield"; equip_shield1 = iron_shield; log("Equiped iron shield") save(); } } //pickaxe if (text.includes("pickaxe")) { if (text.includes("stone") && inv.includes(" stone pickaxe")) { equip_pick = "stone pick"; equip_pick1 = stone_pick; log("Equiped stone pickaxe") save(); } if (text.includes("iron") && inv.includes(" iron pickaxe")) { equip_pick = "iron pick"; equip_pick1 = iron_pick; log("Equiped iron pickaxe") save(); } } //axe if (text.includes("axe")) { if (text.includes("stone") && inv.includes(" stone axe")) { equip_axe = "stone axe"; equip_axe1 = stone_axe; log("Equiped stone axe") save(); } if (text.includes("iron") && inv.includes(" iron axe")) { equip_axe = "iron axe"; equip_axe1 = iron_axe; log("Equiped iron axe") save(); } } } let damage = 0 let enemy_hp = 0 //bossing! if (text.includes("brightside") && loc=="Lighthouse") { mr_brightside_boss_fight(); function mr_brightside_boss_fight() { damage = equip_sword1 + xp_to_level(cardio) + xp_to_level(fighting) hp_minus = hp - 50 + equip_shield1 hp = hp_minus enemy_hp = 110 - damage log(damage, enemy_hp, hp, hp_minus); if (enemy_hp > 0) { mr_brightside_boss_fight(); } if (enemy_hp <= 0) { log("victory") } cardio = cardio + 60 fighting = fighting + 70 Mr_Brightside++; log(damage, enemy_hp, hp, hp_minus, Mr_Brightside) save(); } } //seeing money else if (text.toLowerCase().includes("money")) { log(mon + " coins") } //seeing stats else if (text.toLowerCase().includes("stats")) { log(localStorage.getItem("Username_ls") + "'s stats") log("mining level " + xp_to_level(mining)) log("woodcutting level " + xp_to_level(wc)) log("cardio level " + xp_to_level(cardio)) log("fighting level " + xp_to_level(fighting)) log("fishing level " + xp_to_level(fishing)) log("cooking level " + xp_to_level(cooking)) log("smelting level " + xp_to_level(smelting)) log("smithing level " + xp_to_level(smithing)) log("farming level " + xp_to_level(farming)) log(hp + " hp") } //plants planted if(text.includes("wheat") && ! text.includes("plant") && ! text.includes("harvest")) { log(wheat_planted) } //loc display if (text.includes("location")) { log(localStorage.getItem("loc_level") + ", " + localStorage.getItem("loc_type_level")) } //localStorage display if (text.includes("local") || text.includes("storage")) { log("local storage"); for (i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { log(localStorage.key(i) + "=[" + localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i)) + "]"); } } //slicing if (text.toLowerCase().includes("splic")) { log(" ") } if (text.includes("equiped")) { log(equip_pick + ", " + equip_sword + ", " + equip_shield + ", " + equip_axe) } } } document.querySelectorAll(".my-button")[0].addEventListener("click", process_text); document.querySelectorAll(".input-here")[0].addEventListener("keypress", function(event) { if (event.code === 'Enter' || event.key === "Enter") { //they pressed enter process_text(); } //If they pressed any other key just ignore it }); /*function display_image(src, width, height, alt) { const img = document.createElement('img') img.src = "jsmining.png" game.append(img) } display_image('jsidle.png', 50, 110, 'JavaScriptImage');*/ /* to do list add else things to say you can't do the thing */ /*$(function() { $('#commentform').submit(handleSubmit); }); function handleSubmit() { var form = $(this); var data = { "comment_author": form.find('#comment_author').val(), "email": form.find('#email').val(), "comment": form.find('#comment').val(), "comment_post_ID": form.find('#comment_post_ID').val() }; 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