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Blog posts
- Website update I made a Newsletter
- Hexadecimal clock
- Waybar theme switcher
- Stop chat control also There's a change.org petition
- Firefox extension
- Archive from old site
Hey, I'm DeaDvey and I do blogs and boards on this website.I enjoy programming in C++, Javscript, Python and am currently learning Rust .
I have an RSS feed and a newsletter for my blog and all of it is handwritten code which you can find on my gitea.
Check out these mofos:
Website Status:
I'm currently using this website mainly for blogs and reviews of
all sorts of
things. Comments are
supported! You
can subscribe to my RSS
feed Or comment on individual posts if you have anything to
I made a List of all
the films I have on DVD, some of which I've reviewed!
In order to contact me, you can email me email@deadvey.com
Or PM me through Matrix, @deadvey:matrix.org
However, if you want to report a bug then the best way would be on the Git repo