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#stopchatcontrol and Deus Ex

Firstly, I read an article about chat control coming to the EU which is where all messages and emails (encrypted or not) are scanned indiscriminately if you live in the EU or are sending mesasges to someone in the EU, sounds like a really bad idea, read more here: chatcontrol.eu. Secondly, I've been playing Deus Ex loads more and it is very hard but I've just

Spoiler:Reached Hong Kong after escaping the UNATCO HQ, I kind of wanted JC to just stay in UNATCO and be the bad guy, but that's just me :|
Anyway, I think that's it, not much other than building a shed in the garden has happened this last few days!
Fly You High - DeaDvey


deus ex,jc denton,unatco,chatcontrol,shed,eu,encryption,privacy,unatco

Comments section:

deadvey: there's also a change.org petition for stopping the chat control

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