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// Sat, 18 Jul 2024 15:07:54
-blogs = [["OpenSUSE Tumbleweed - 3.5/5","I ony just recently hopped off of using Tumbleweed as my main distro (now I'm using NixOS), but I still really like it. Firstly, the mascot is really, cute (That's not a very important point, but I'll mention it nonetheless, most distros don't have oficial mascots unfortunatley). I also REALLY like Yast, but I do think the nix config is better even if it's less easy to use. Finally, I like how I can get recent packages and it's also stable, so winwin. Basically it's NixOS but worse, I have now realised. haha.","Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:33:06",["opensuse.png"],["review","distro","opensuse","yast","chameleon","mascot","green","tumbleweed"]],
- ["Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus) - 4/5","I really like this song, Wheatus really hit the nail on the head with this one, from the classic intro music to the great ending, top notch.","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:25:47",["teenagedirtbag.jpg"],["review","song","4/5","wheatus","noelle","classic"]],
- ["GTA IV - 4/5","Wow, I've been playing this with my dad a bit and I think it's a lot better than GTA V (other than graphics), the gameplay is more fun, the story is more interesting and the missions are more enjoyable (and more challenging), the only thing I can say it that the police are a bit too dumb, good work on this Rockstar, I can understand why it's 3rd best game of all time, now I just need to try Ocarina of time and SoulCalibur haha","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 10:45:01",["gtaiv.jpg"],["review","game","gta","niko","roman","police","4/5"]],
+blogs = [["Review section update","So, because I had so many review categories (See the reviews page) I made a single page for all of them, the main ones are film, video game and song reviews, I might add some more, like software and food, but for now I have 7 categories of things to review (Even though I have no shows reviewed haha).I've been reviewing a lot of things lately.
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Mon, 19 Aug 2024 02:36:31",[],["update","reviews"]],
+ ["Civil War (2024) - 4.5/5 ❤️","This film actually made me scared even though I'm not American, it's a reminder of how quickly and disastrously a comfy life can de ravel into chaos. Spoiler
The whole scene with that guy in red sunglasses was so good and so scary, he was just insane, killing anyone if they said something he slightly didn't like, I don't even know what side he was on! The whole final act with the Western Forces storming the white-house was so good and the final shot of the soldiers ruthlessly killing the president was amazing. I also loved how the film didn't just pick a side of the conflict and root for them the whole time, instead it just shows some War Photographers witnessing this mess. I'm so glad I saw this film, I got the DVD as soon as it released","Mon, 19 Aug 2024 02:28:56",["civilwar.jpg"],["review","film","civil war","4.5/5","favourites","alex garland","kirsten dunst","cinema watch","i have the dvd"]],
+ ["Marshall versus the Machines - 2/5","Not super into folk music but this is pretty good, it definitley helps that it's comedic, I love the comedy/parody music in HIMYM (and in general), though not the best of the HIMYM songs, Feels very random. Barney's suits song is much better in my opinion.","Mon, 19 Aug 2024 02:23:57",["marshallvsmachines.webp"],["review","song","2/5","marshall erikson","jason segel","comedy","folk"]],
+ ["Good Ridance (Green Day) - 4/5 ❤️","Along with Boulevard of Broken Dreams, this is my favourite Green Day song, the lyrics are so lovely and I like the melody, it feels stragley nostalgic as well. I saw this in a car advert during the Euros and started singing it aloud, such a fun song","Mon, 19 Aug 2024 02:14:52",["good_ridance.jpg"],["review","song","favourites","4/5","green day","good ridance","nimrod"]],
+ ["OpenSUSE Tumbleweed - 4/5 ❤️","I ony just recently hopped off of using Tumbleweed as my main distro (now I'm using NixOS), but I still really like it. Firstly, the mascot is really, cute (That's not a very important point, but I'll mention it nonetheless, most distros don't have oficial mascots unfortunatley). I also REALLY like Yast, but I do think the nix config is better even if it's less easy to use. Finally, I like how I can get recent packages and it's also stable, so winwin. Basically it's NixOS but worse, I have now realised. haha.","Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:33:06",["opensuse.png"],["review","distro","opensuse","yast","chameleon","mascot","green","tumbleweed","favourites","4/5"]],
+ ["Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus) - 4/5 ❤️","I really like this song, Wheatus really hit the nail on the head with this one, from the classic intro music to the great ending, top notch.","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 23:25:47",["teenagedirtbag.jpg"],["review","song","4/5","wheatus","noelle","classic"]],
+ ["GTA IV - 4/5 ❤️","Wow, I've been playing this with my dad a bit and I think it's a lot better than GTA V (other than graphics), the gameplay is more fun, the story is more interesting and the missions are more enjoyable (and more challenging), the only thing I can say it that the police are a bit too dumb, good work on this Rockstar, I can understand why it's 3rd best game of all time, now I just need to try Ocarina of time and SoulCalibur haha","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 10:45:01",["gtaiv.jpg"],["review","game","gta","niko","roman","police","4/5","favourites"]],
["Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour - 3.5/5","I'm not a massive taylor swift fan (I have a few of her songs) but my god this concert was impressive, my siter was watching it and my attention was not fully on it, for a concert this is top notch performance. Not really a film but I suppose I'll put it under film review anyway (I watched this on Wednesday while on holiday)","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 22:36:21",["eras.jpg"],["review","film","concert","taylor","swift","3.5/5"]],
- ["NixOS is SO cool - 4/5","I've started using NixOS (my third time trying) and I finally understand why it's so cool, I have my nix config here on Gitlab and I have configured my whole system from that file, I have even my home manager here as I think I prefer if everything is in one file, I also made a script to auto push successfull edits to gitlab, the only thing I haven't done yet it make curved edges to my waybar that matches the window curvature of everything else, I'll get on that after this blog haha. The main issue is some apps wont boot like GIMP. I also have the colouring (Gruvbox) and other things as variables at the top eg corner radius and gaps, I just really like it anyways yeah, this is pretty short because I want to get back to editting NixOS, Byeee
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:41:06",["nixos.png"],["review","distro","nixos","config","home","manager","gitlab"]],
+ ["NixOS is SO cool - 4/5 ❤️","I've started using NixOS (my third time trying) and I finally understand why it's so cool, I have my nix config here on Gitlab and I have configured my whole system from that file, I have even my home manager here as I think I prefer if everything is in one file, I also made a script to auto push successfull edits to gitlab, the only thing I haven't done yet it make curved edges to my waybar that matches the window curvature of everything else, I'll get on that after this blog haha. The main issue is some apps wont boot like GIMP. I also have the colouring (Gruvbox) and other things as variables at the top eg corner radius and gaps, I just really like it anyways yeah, this is pretty short because I want to get back to editting NixOS, Byeee
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:41:06",["nixos.png"],["review","distro","nixos","config","home","manager","gitlab"]],
["Why the inactivity?","I was on holiday, I'm back now, will do a NixOS blog at some point","Sat, 17 Aug 2024 00:52:33",[],["holiday","im back"]],
["My profile picture evolution","I have had 8 major profile pictures over the last 5-6 years, firstly, I had a nabstablook profile picture which was just the character nabstablook from Undertale that was my image for quite a while, then, in around 2019 I wanted to have a profile picture that I'd made myself so I drew out a guy in a green hoodie (me) because I wore a green hoodie a lot at the time, it had purple eyes that was meant to be enderman eyes and a tardis in the background because I like doctor who, then I wanted to add in more things from media that I like, the one ring around the neck for lord of the rings a siver crown with blue silmarillions from The Silmarillion (from the same universe of the Lord of the Rings) and finally the amongus running on my shoulder, this was my profile picture for a while until I updated it with similar transparent png version with headphones which I actually made my taking a photo of myself and tracing the image around me, unfortunatley I have long the original image so that is only in my memory. A few months after this I remade the green jumper image again but with the tardis background again, this one was a bit more cartooy than the original and had a hard black outline, this one also had a jar of marmite on my shoulder because I like marmite and my arm was up at my face in a thinking pose. I had two more variants that used the gruvbox theme which I used for a short period of time, one that had a grey jumper and one that had a green jumper, both of these were more pixelated because I wanted to more dynamically change colours on the image, they also had a wrist warmer which I sometimes wear. After a few months (and only about a week ago) I wanted a clean start so I took a picture of a crochet dinosaur that someone I know made for me that is on top of my PC right now, I cut out the background making it a tranparent pn which is my current profile picture on most places although not everywhere, I should make a list of places to change my profile picture lol. Anyway, I'll put the 7 ones that I do have below (the lost one is between 3 and 4)","Wed, 7 Aug 2024 02:11:58",["pfp0.jpg","pfp1.png","pfp2.png","pfp3.png","pfp4.png","pfp5.png","pfp6.png"],["profile","pictures","story","evolution"]],
["Twisters - 3/5","Pretty fun action film, with some wild and stressfull scenes and I-wish-was-accurate scienceSpoiler:
I really thought Tyler was gonna be a bad guy and he really sold the cocky jerk but he ended up being nice, and so did Javi, everyone was good, other than Ben. Unfortunatley I did not see the 4D version so the cinema screen didn't get actually ripped from the room :( would've improved the immersiveness. ", "Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:00:00", ["twisters.jpg"],["review","film","3/5","action","family watch","cinema watch"]],
@@ -12,12 +16,12 @@ blogs = [["OpenSUSE Tumbleweed - 3.5/5","I ony just recently hopped off of using
["Bean - 3/5","Pretty funny at times but not as good as the TV show, I recorded this because I thought it looked like a good time and it was, never an amazing film but a good time nonetheless.Spoiler:
My favourite bits were when the security guard shat himself (and showed up at the end) and also when Mr Bean became a surgeon on accident.
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Thu, 17 Jul 2024 19:25:22",["bean.jpg"],["review","film","3/5","bean","comedy","ok","home watch"]],
["Twin terminal WM","I'm currently trying out TwinWM as a tty based (No X or Wayland) window manager and it's pretty cool, of course there are no graphical apps, but have been trying out Aerc again, although not without it's bugs lmfao
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Fri, 12 Jul 2024 02:47:43",[],["twin","wm","bugs","aerc","tui","tty"]],
["#stopchatcontrol and Deus Ex","Firstly, I read an article about chat control coming to the EU which is where all messages and emails (encrypted or not) are scanned indiscriminately if you live in the EU or are sending mesasges to someone in the EU, sounds like a really bad idea, read more here: chatcontrol.eu. Secondly, I've been playing Deus Ex loads more and it is very hard but I've justSpoiler:
Reached Hong Kong after escaping the UNATCO HQ, I kind of wanted JC to just stay in UNATCO and be the bad guy, but that's just me :| Anyway, I think that's it, not much other than building a shed in the garden has happened this last few days!
Fly You High - DeaDvey","Thu, 11 Jul 2024 18:19:58",["chatcontrol.png","jc.png"],["deus ex","jc denton","unatco","chatcontrol","shed","eu","encryption","privacy","unatco"]],
- ["Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) - 4.5/5","FUN, bruv I can't say anything more, it's just so FUNIGDB","Mon, 8 Jul 2024 00:53:07",["bf2.jpg"],["review","game","4.5/5","star wars","favourites","fun","pandemic"]],
+ ["Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) - 4.5/5 ❤️","FUN, bruv I can't say anything more, it's just so FUNIGDB","Mon, 8 Jul 2024 00:53:07",["bf2.jpg"],["review","game","4.5/5","star wars","favourites","fun","pandemic"]],
["Borat - 3.5/5", "Very funny and very chaotic, can't believe they had a naked fight in a hotel ._. Like wtf, I wonder how much of this is scripted","Mon, 8 Jul 2024 00:48:47",["borat.jpg"],["review","film","3.5/5","sacha baron cohen","comedy","home watch"]],
["The Dictator - 3/5","I found this film funny but the story is a bit short and the jokes sometimes were a bit forced, I also think it fails as it's all much more scripted than Ali G or Borat (played by Sacha Baron Cohen) also I liked how he pretended to be liking democracy at the end but then just made himself always be voted in.", "Sun, 7 Jul 2024 13:25:10",["thedictator.jpg"],["review","film","3/5","sacha baron cohen","comedy","home watch"]],
["Deus Ex play begun","I've began playing Deus Ex and it seems fun so far, however it's VERY hard, even on easy difficulty I've been stuck on the first mission for about 3 hours so yeah.","Fri, 5 Jul 2024 19:08:11",[],["deus ex","game","update"]],
["Slingshot - 3.5/5", "VERY simple game I found on Flathub where you have to defeat the eneemy by shooting a missile out of a spaceship but there are planets that have gravity so you have to take that into account as well, it's multiplayer as well, really easy to host a server (port 3999) however the multiplayer seems very buggy with invisible planets and what not, it was last updated 6 years ago so that probably wont get fixed, the game is still very fun though and I played it for a while!", "Wed, 3 Jul 2024 01:59:32", ["slingshot.webp"],["review","game","3.5/5","2024"]],
- ["LOTR Conquest - 4/5", "I finally got LOTR conquest and it's so flipping good, It's like Battlefront 2 (the orignal one) but it's Lord of the Rings, great combination! I've been playing it non stop for the last few days since I got the disk, unfortunatley multiplayer is no longer supported but there seems to be a community presence with modding and there is a way to pretend to be on the same lan as others so you can play like that using Radmin VPN, unfortunatley, Radmin does no work on Linux :( even through Wine which is annoying, guess I'll just play singleplayer, still very enjoyable however!","Wed, 3 Jul 2024 01:48:14", ["lotrc.jpg"],["review","game","4/5","2024"]],
+ ["LOTR Conquest - 4/5 ❤️", "I finally got LOTR conquest and it's so flipping good, It's like Battlefront 2 (the orignal one) but it's Lord of the Rings, great combination! I've been playing it non stop for the last few days since I got the disk, unfortunatley multiplayer is no longer supported but there seems to be a community presence with modding and there is a way to pretend to be on the same lan as others so you can play like that using Radmin VPN, unfortunatley, Radmin does no work on Linux :( even through Wine which is annoying, guess I'll just play singleplayer, still very enjoyable however!","Wed, 3 Jul 2024 01:48:14", ["lotrc.jpg"],["review","game","4/5","2024"]],
["Inside Out 2 - 2.5/5","It was alright but I think it would've been better if the story ended on the fade to white when she passed the puck to her team-mate because the story is more about her development rather than weather she scores the goal or not.","Sun, 16 Jun 2024 11:10:07",["insideout2.jpg"],["review","film","2.5/5","cinema watch","family watch","2024"]],
["Clancy (Twenty One Pilots) - 3.5/4","Good album but Scaled and Icy is better, I got the CD! I think Overcompensate and The Craving (Jennas version) are the best songs, I have Overcompensate stuck in my head.","Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:57:55",["clancy.jpg"],["review","album","3.5/4","2024"]],
["One exam left!", "Well, now I've only got one exam left on Friday, Physics Paper 2 so after that I should be a bit more active hopefully idk, I still want to add automatic syncing with Letterboxd hopefully, I can try do that on the weekend at some point.","Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:00:07",[],["exams","gcse","letterboxd","physics"]],
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Wed, 3 Jul 2024 01:48:14
LOTR Conquest - 4/5
LOTR Conquest - 4/5 ❤️
I finally got LOTR conquest and it's so flipping good, It's like Battlefront 2 (the orignal one) but it's Lord of the Rings, great combination! I've been playing it non stop for the last few days since I got the disk, unfortunatley multiplayer is no longer supported but there seems to be a community presence with modding and there is a way to pretend to be on the same lan as others so you can play like that using Radmin VPN, unfortunatley, Radmin does no work on Linux :( even through Wine which is annoying, guess I'll just play singleplayer, still very enjoyable however!
diff --git a/blog/blogs/30.html b/blog/blogs/30.html
index b8b2924..37ae7e9 100644
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Mon, 8 Jul 2024 00:53:07
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) - 4.5/5
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) - 4.5/5 ❤️
FUN, bruv I can't say anything more, it's just so FUNIGDB
diff --git a/blog/blogs/39.html b/blog/blogs/39.html
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Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:41:06
NixOS is SO cool - 4/5
NixOS is SO cool - 4/5 ❤️
I've started using NixOS (my third time trying) and I finally understand why it's so cool, I have my nix config here on Gitlab and I have configured my whole system from that file, I have even my home manager here as I think I prefer if everything is in one file, I also made a script to auto push successfull edits to gitlab, the only thing I haven't done yet it make curved edges to my waybar that matches the window curvature of everything else, I'll get on that after this blog haha. The main issue is some apps wont boot like GIMP. I also have the colouring (Gruvbox) and other things as variables at the top eg corner radius and gaps, I just really like it anyways yeah, this is pretty short because I want to get back to editting NixOS, Byeee
Fly You High - DeaDvey
diff --git a/blog/blogs/41.html b/blog/blogs/41.html
index 40521f6..1e70926 100644
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+++ b/blog/blogs/41.html
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
Sat, 17 Aug 2024 10:45:01
GTA IV - 4/5
GTA IV - 4/5 ❤️
Wow, I've been playing this with my dad a bit and I think it's a lot better than GTA V (other than graphics), the gameplay is more fun, the story is more interesting and the missions are more enjoyable (and more challenging), the only thing I can say it that the police are a bit too dumb, good work on this Rockstar, I can understand why it's 3rd best game of all time, now I just need to try Ocarina of time and SoulCalibur haha
Comments section: