<h3class="blog-date">Tue, 30 Jan 2024 23:47:37</h3>
<h1class="blog-title">Naught to say</h1>
<pclass="blog-content">I havent really done much other than set up my server in my bedroom now and attempted to automate something in selenium, didn't work but eh. I've been mostly revising so not much to say, oh and a kind of surround sound system for my PS2 I guess<br/>Fly You High - DeaDvey</p>
<sub><i><small>PS2,surround sound,bored,but nothing happened,the merciless iced east winds that knive us,condensation polymerisation,Beneath his hands which did not tremble then, though seem to now,Lnew = (Loriginal*D^2original)/D^2new</small></i></sub><hr/>
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