<h3class="blog-date">Sun, 26 May 2024 07:54:31</h3>
<h1class="blog-title">Half Term</h1>
<pclass="blog-content">Now that Half Term is here and most of my exams are done (only 6 left), I feel like I can relax a bit, I'm going to be working on the website a bit more hopefully, I also forgot to push to github in a while so I did that lol errr yeah - Basically just Maths revision as I think I'm mostly fine on Science, but who knows until August ¯\_(ツ)_/¯<br/>Fly You High - DeaDvey</p>
<divclass="19"id="comments"><b>sussy</b>: <i>baka</i><br/><b>max</b>: <i>Hello guys!</i><br/><b>not_deadvey</b>: <i>I totally agree, and DeaDvey is SO cool and awesome btw!!!</i><br/><b>deadvey</b>: <i>Aww, thanks so much not_deadvey!</i><br/><b>not_deadvey</b>: <i>OMFG A CELEBRITY SPOKE TO ME!!!!!!!! :O</i><br/></div></div><pclass="previous"><ahref="18.html"><--Previous</a></p><pclass="next"><ahref="20.html">Next --></a></p>
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